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Everything posted by eatingurnan

  1. imagine getting on ts hearing this

    professional legacy clan lol
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Juicy


      that vid shows how bad eop is with flamin, /query juicy for some lessons

    3. ruxso


      Imagine worrying about another clan's community when your clan cant even pull more than 20. Stfu "FI Skillya" broccoli noob.

    4. eatingurnan
  2. eop gonna be scared obv lol, everytime they do a prep they see it like a rival and pipe up aka will not fight at all cus they know how bad they are ub might fight u tho
  3. eop is fucking brown sticky stuff l0l how do u slump even when u encourage ur members to multilog on mains cracks me up to think about it l+0l
  4. foe pls fuck eop up tonight lmk if u need backup for their brown sticky stuffty ass mains lol

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 0ldschooler


      "foe pls fuck up eop tonight"


      do u even realize how beta u sound rn lmfao



    3. R3lv


      weak mentality.. thats why you are #12

  5. Cleared them ceveral times too ...
  6. BROTHA FUCKING WASTED IT WATCHU TALKIN BOUT when u come back to fi ima miniwar with u ima eat all my food and be like its virtuable edible item br0ther
  7. eop talking brown sticky stuff about other clans and locking his status so that no1 can flame their clans performance. well played. seems like u alrdy know how brown sticky stuff of a clan u r in x)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. eatingurnan


      excited about flaming runescape clans like eop* yes!

    3. eatingurnan


      hehe no offence robbyy we cool i just dont like the clan you are in!

    4. Tyga
  8. ya i come here occasionally to flame, i do. and definatly i love to flame eop, ive been in fi for over 8 years now, we've had big beef against eop throughout the years. obviously im going to flame them lol x) and you for trying to act up against us when we literairly slam you 19 times out of 20 but yeah grats on ur win see u next time in wildy now this is the first time ive been on this site in weeks, i dont come here very often. i check it out now and then and i happened to see ur broccolied topic trying to flame our warlord and if u think thats a good idea ull have to wait and see the aftermath <3 btw are u new? this site was 80% eop in the beginning hence my signature. i just came here to post and make eop angry a lil now and then with my signature x) honestly i never thought that sig would remain, but since it is, that reflects the quality of this brown sticky stuff site lol. if id actually take this forum seriously i obviously wouldnt have that signature
  9. bro ur just making brown sticky stuff up just guessing l0l 1. every clan has times where they slump, and times where they have more people. we literairly havent seen u in wildy for months because u pull even worse than us while we're slumping. yeah well done there buddy 2. ya we mass 30 mins after the time we used to, so wat? we testing our brown sticky stuff obviously 3. ur clan is fucking garbage we cleared u over 5 times within 30 seconds every time do u really want to get urself into this? 4. yeah u dont know kenny 5. yeah no rank has mentioned sb to members most of us are just clever enough to realise that this site is only filled with flames and we usually dont enjoy flaming other clans 6. sometimes u gotta flame tho since tomato clans like aao WITH HALF OUR PULL WHILE WE SLUMP think they big lmfao. stay brown sticky stuff thanks bye
  10. LOL u pulled like 20 to p2p we literairly had twice ur number and hit you atleast 5 times. Keep talking brown sticky stuff and we'll make sure to camp you even more lol ur killing urself glhf
  11. lol like ud be able to get a clean 1v1 in pure scene with brown sticky stuff clans like eop crashing
  12. jordan (mf) talked brown sticky stuff to couck and got brown sticky stuff on. aao hack codi and get brown sticky stuff on. whats next

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. eatingurnan


      Our members dont like f2p okay?!?! Lol

    3. eatingurnan


      why can you say brown sticky stuff and not i wtf @`Zack

    4. eatingurnan


      oh hey look at that

  13. [vid of fi dying on video] when a clan is so bad that they have to put [vid of fi dying on video] (mention vid 2 times in a sentence of 6 words), u want me to scrap up all the aao hits we've had where uve got cleared in less than a minute? jeez just say goodfight and we'd do the same, dont brag about something u accomplish 1/20th of the times but yea congrats for a change they pull 20 more than us why would we go after them, when we can go after aao that has 15 less and close u x) shudnt have hacked codi brothers
  14. i know but once u had angler-brewed ur hp wud be at like 90-95ish so the karambwan would do like 5/16 hp or whatever it is, shudve angler-brew-brew since u needed to re-pot anyway after and u'd get above 100hp after wasnt ment to hate towards ur inv just saw u waste that karambwan a lil x)
  15. https://gyazo.com/9b0bccc263b7fc71e04c77ee464260ca.gif do u usually shark-brew-karambwan at 60 hp? x)
  16. dangalang every time i hear that name i giggle. forgot what clan u r in but damn that rsn is funny man

  17. the answer is easy! we da best clan and whiskerz is a funny dude aswell
  18. I can imagine if u had been pking for 4 hours before lol
  19. oh allright, i remember a scout of ours found some of yall in the very beginning, thought u were out when we were too
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