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Status Updates posted by Aaronn

  1. @Invictus @Ascent when your clan is as good as sk randoms will be making some fake ass versions too <3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Indi


      I'm gonna close this version just as easily heh 

    3. Saucey


      Looks like SK got rid of their downies and reopened. Maybe they'll have a chance this time

    4. Tango Wins Again
  2. damn some fake ass fk is re-opening and trying to live off a dead name fk my life

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Juicy
    3. Never Lucky

      Never Lucky

      aaron. It was sk lamo who reopened it lol haha

    4. Aaronn


      ik whats your rsn neverlucky noob

  3. https://www.twitch.tv/lilrobvert - watch my m8 troll him if u want hes a brown sticky stuff kid
  4. join the network b4 xlpc trips 2day, we have all clans locs btw dont send offers

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. Pun


      you literally gotta have an extra chromosome to co lead with chalu

    3. Indi


      Holy fuck it was ez

    4. Aaronn


      IV Dead 4ever sk lives on dead clan hahahahahha

  5. Yo all you kids that flamed Hate yesterday we just won a prep just shows dont be scared to prep kids

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Scott


      Nah bro i left scouting your mass 25ish minutes in and you had 17... didnt even see you in the wildy, but hey I hope those inners pay off!

    3. Papa Bear
  6. Bigmeat trying hard to get Hate to change their cape he started being persuasive and brown sticky stuff - "Big Meat": change your fucking capes tomatos to team 47

  7. https://gyazo.com/affcef7d4d67f8adaa1444453c0349a7 - BT members come make the right decision like your friends :P
  8. BT Members gj on a good run join Hate as your new home :P

  9. BV Re-opening confirmed L0L they just came in ts asking hate to change 47 cape L0000000000000000000000L

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Broxxx
    3. Salafi
    4. Aaronn


      Hassan and a few kids from OB and brown sticky stuff l00l OB losing some members fosure

  10. If you think about it, Outbreak is just a mass of recycled, failed and humiliated LPC accounts and ranks who couldn't compete so they decided to go to the xLPC scene just to get bullied by hate. So put those facts togher and we conclude that Hate is winning a 3v1 Rivalry vs Outbreak. GRATS HATE #1 xLPC was ez btw 60-30 real quick @HOLYGHOST @exzrts @Outburst Nigga @Warbow @R4ngeTAP #FREESINGLES

  11. Imagine being 70+ CB and not an LPC

    1. Show previous comments  11 more


      imagine getting kyp'd in sharkbrew ts3 like @HOLYGHOST LMFAO

    3. Aaronn


      Imagine setting your password as lmfao

  12. Imagine being so mad over dying on a ragger that you had to message my brother on facebook lmfaooooooooooo me+my little brother are laughing hard at you @N0VA and @huhuw0tm8 I might even upload the live reaction up here for you guys ;p

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      You're cute lol

    3. Aaronn


      @R4ngeTAP I didnt join as council I joined last week as a member spent the whole week recruiting 187/SK kids then dicked your clan and got promoted on the weekend.

    4. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      Facts ^

      Check your intel @R4ngeTAP

  13. Undefeated weekend 50+ pulls both days join hate ;D https://gyazo.com/ff0d8795b49db9844e0a5c56a608f86a

  14. Join h8 for fun trips killing the xlpc scene atm

  15. gf xlpc scene and gz h8 on 50+ pull join today

  16. Join Hate #1 XLPC

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Aaronn


      r u blind @PAC im not even joining all the 187 people are in hate with me and a lot of the SK people are to

      Novas opening some fake version of sk u blind broccolied fuck

    3. Brock


      @AARON i never read on i seen sk and was crying thought u was going to try to open it now say sorry to daddy

    4. Aaronn


      the status update says hate

  17. N0VA - Today at 39 PM Im probably openong sk back up as xlpc - worst version of SK coming soon lead by a guy who hacks his own members and Doxs friends ://///

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Aaronn


      Ace asked me to be in a clan with him I said no so he made one with Nova xD

    3. Frosty


      I really think he feels as if people care about him

    4. N0VA


      Ace krave is a great slave but sadly hes brown sticky stuff at rs and loves to rename his clans everymonth.

  18. So seeming the only rank in POP left is somebody who cant even call its fair to say they are as dead as SK.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Juicy


      then why u call urself snipe team? l0l u just pranked yourself kyp dumb british kid

    3. Aaronn


      "l0l 187 re-opened as a snipe team" yes we re-opened as a snipe team but pull more than some clans so I guess we changed into a little clan.

    4. Aaronn


      just because we re-opened as a snipe team it doesnt mean we cant change as we start pulling more you dumb foreign fuck.

  19. message for pkris 40-50cb or around that

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jezus


      yeah @Singles where are you, Mr Worldwide

    3. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      Aaron I'm making an acc PM me the TS I forgot it

    4. Aaronn


      @Singles clan187.teamspeak3.org suffels training 40cb accs for 3mil or so

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