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Everything posted by R3ALITY

  1. Mustafa for most useless tank.
  2. Wtf was the plan? you rushed in without overheads on a pkri.. was you praying to allah that they would hit you?
  3. @Dragon Big Jessy, do you even know how to lead a pkri? No wonder you're 0-100 in preps, against AAO as well, lmao. This prep was like a battle of the cripples.
  4. Lmao, time to tag along with ST or SF and beat these morons down.
  5. Gratz on your win, EoP will still come up with excuses not to full out you guys. Respond to me on discord @holydreams
  6. Dunno if you're wearing your ultra thick glasses or not, but I said we pulled 35 last 4 preps. Bet you don't pull 60 if I said 1-5 def as most your clan is 20 now.
  7. Last 3-4 preps we have pulled 35. You guys prep other clans 30v30 and drop to their 25 pull *cough* ir *cough* aao *cough* Misfit's, so don't use the pull as an excuse. You guys prob still getting flashbacks over Sup perfecting UB in a 40v40 and EOP in a 25v25.
  8. You sit there and say 'more clan wars, the better' yet refuse to prep my clan. Unless you come up with a system where all clans get put into a pool and allocated fights for that week/month, then I don't really care. We're down to prep 5x a week if need be, but all clans are pussies nowadays apart from Px.
  9. Every clans leadership should drop their ego's. Until that happens, no matter what scene the clanworld moves too, there will always be people bringing tanks to compete because they don't like seeing a 'losing topic' about their clan. I don't care what anyone say's. Every clan here has brought a main on their trip. Pointless making these topics, you should be focusing on getting all clan leaders in discord or ts and sort all the problems out, no matter how stressful or annoying it is. Otherwise, the pure world as we know it will die, or shift over to 39 def era again. Drop your ego's on a pixelated game, and we can have fun.
  10. Oooo, so it's 2 now? it keeps changing between 2 - 5 - 6 - 3 and now back to 2.
  11. EOM and AAO are already main clans, so i'd say we're 1/4 of the way there.
  12. Even more surprised AAO didn't bring mains.
  13. Looked easy. Funny how they turned down Supremacy for a 30v30 cause of 'low' ops. Then they accept ones against you guys, IR and SF. Shame your 30 ops had to go to waste. Gj pigeons.
  14. No one cares. Mains carry EOP to some sort of relevance.
  15. Sure I seen 2, maybe next time, instead of posting about some Outburst member not being able to count, you can do the same loooooolololol
  16. Lmao, EOP getting bullied into using mains cause they suck as pures.
  17. And? What you gonna do about it lmao? Stop getting upset on a pixelated game bundle of twigsgot.
  18. They contacted your irl family and friends. I wouldn't care what people on a pixelated game think, I would of ruined his irl. If I couldn't get them personally, I would get someone close to him instead. But that's just me, everyone is different. He stepped beyond the line, you stepped before the line. All the kids crying on here are mainly ones who participated in doxing themselves. EOP cry wolf, but everyone knows the story, it will only get them so far.
  19. Calm down big boy, sucking Dull's dick ain't gonna get you anywhere.
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