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Status Updates posted by Fliby

  1. lmfao olympiss cancelling another prep can't pull l0000l #YOTL

  2. mfw fi declares on eop and doesn't even read the new rules http://i.imgur.com/9vIxvAU.png

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Fliby


      if only you had read the rules or updated your memberlist before declaring...

    3. Whisky


      alot can happen in 2 weeks

    4. R3ALITY


      @Fliby, we bring our 101 1 def acc in when there are exceptions, that the other clan asked for. Otherwise we would happily do 89 cb cap.

  3. AAO vs addy daddies, I mean bv, PKRI was fun, level 70s in full addy lololol http://i.imgur.com/4VxaZuY.png

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jimi


      Ranks told their members to get def when they moved lpc->mpc :D

    3. Fliby


      They had 15 addy we had 1 lmao wuu2, AAO wins again @Patrick

    4. EV Ice

      EV Ice

      Sure thing Jaimmey

  4. @Moni you said if any clan brought in a 30 defence account they'd be removed from CWL, are you going to stay true to your word? http://i.imgur.com/pjSzJ4H.png

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lufffy


      Remove them from CWL its just Envy

    3. موني


      Why r u both lying, you broke the combat cap

    4. Fliby


      @Moni how did we? We asked for 2 exceptions 94- and they agreed on it

  5. Where's Supremacy's Sunday topic? @Kim @Dannypool @Soupreme @Mustafa speak up

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fliby


      D-d-didn't ask

    3. Jimi


      supremacy is so fucking bad lmfao been smoking them every weekend

    4. nICK1


      Supremacy smoked l00l btw it's stuttering u illiterate Arab @Mustafa

  6. Envy pussying out of round three after getting slammed round two, thanks for the 2-1! AAO WINS AGAIN

  7. Another daily reminder that Slaughter/Apex are so brown sticky stuff lmfao

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blue


      ^ slaughter is closing join devotion

    3. TLPSmoker1


      haha funny your ranks have opened and closed clans just to rat their members for 2 years now

    4. Zeke & Friends
  8. Just your daily reminder Apex and Slaughter are fucking brown sticky stuff lmfao

  9. Another daily reminder that Apex and Slaughter are dogbrown sticky stuff lmfao

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TLPSmoker1


      1 year still lpc still pulling 40, still losing to bottom tier lpcs

    3. Aged k0

      Aged k0

      @Droopy cmon pal u were in op now apex poor decision making.. @Haha can't hide forever pal

    4. Fear The Beard

      Fear The Beard

      aao quick to talk brown sticky stuff after 6 month slump!!!!

  10. I agree AAO really is the best

  11. AAO won vs Imperial lmfao they broke 2 rules l0000l

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fliby


      nice try but you can't even read rules

    3. White Kid

      White Kid

      paki boy needs to learn english

    4. CallMeSwaggy


      mfw the fact that we didn't use our teamcapes doesn't even matter how hard you got stomped (legit makes no difference)

  12. Hey Andre', how can you say "Now, First off, The imperial kid that " wasn't " on the ML, never updated his RSN. If you look up the old NEW rsn of the acc, you'll see that his OLD rsn was the acc on the fourms. It's the same person regardless." when the old account wasn't even on the memberlist. "Top Baller"'s old name was PinkySmallz. PinkySmallz OR "Smeq" are not on the memberlist, so why are you lying fam?

  13. 2x 3rd place on a 107, if I had max easy 200M 4 Fliby

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. trump


      unlucky man, bot up a main :)

    3. Kenan


      Might try it out if rot does it again

    4. trump


      kenan ive heard big things are coming

  14. shoutout to olympiss to try and get a win out of a 3-0 because one guy wore black round 3 lmfao

    1. Iran


      Pretty sure you had a 99 in all three rounds tho tbh

    2. Fliby


      yeah you guys lost because some kid got 25def in 1def cap, not because you guys are brown sticky stuff at clan wars

    3. Breach
  15. Imagine being High Council in a clan that gets cleared 4 times in one trip, better uninstall WhatsApp.

    1. Cody9204


      4:15 lalo literally calls a scim push on ev while we're in the middle of smoking cd then refocus on cd after ev runs singles lmfao

    2. Meet Them With Scims
  16. Slaughter couldn't pull and they cancelled l0000000l !seen slaughter

    1. Blue


      Just as brown sticky stuff as Apex lmaoo

    2. undeniable evidence
  17. Doom pulled 40 as MPC gratz

    1. Hormone


      I pulled 70 and broke you in half

    2. Himsa


      naw it was like 100 after they put those ugly green capes on lol

  18. @Control Pker how was ur trip? I had hella fun btw

    1. Kenan


      Think u should be worried about ur own clan m8 I think they r slumping

    2. Edjez


      lol was easy. Use less mains tho :)

  19. a got a black ski mask but a don't ski

    1. Bv_Abdullah
    2. Fliby


      wtf how did u know

  20. Yo Olympus if u want a real prep try not trolling lmfao brown sticky stuffters

    1. Blue


      They scared bc they're gonna get embarrassed again lmao brown sticky stuffters

  21. critical damains lmfao where are your pures bro? 20 mains 5 pures god bless

  22. @Andre' clear your inbox

  23. Someone lend me a Twisted Bow real quick so I can beat this Inferno on my pure thx

  24. It has been 624 days since fi has beat eop in p2p prep

  25. Imagine being in (insert clan name here) and (insert banter here) l0000l

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