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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Scrap the labels & the combat cap. The 10 or 20 def cap is perfect thought.
  2. Trips looked juicy without the mains. More action than the past months.
  3. These are the same usain bolts that open clans every 2 weeks. Is anybody seriously surprised?
  4. Haha that's pretty cool. The Baltics are beautiful. Glad it isn't being wrecked with mass immigration
  5. Can we just adjust the HPC scene back to 1-25 def? Most people have a second pure they can finish training up.
  6. Really trips mean fucking nothing currently since half of everyones pull is in rune. Foe seems to have won the most preps in both servers. Soo.. That's what I'll go with. EoP close second.
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