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Everything posted by Broxxx

  1. you have one trip a weekend lmao until you do F2P you're completely irrelevant. www.olympus-rs.com come home ty
  2. worlds aren't very good nobody wants to log in just to dc constantly you feel me home slizzle
  3. #Olympus | Olympus-rs.com | Olympus_RS CC Olympus went out for small P2P trip this Thursday evening with 13 Gods. The Runescape servers still aren't at their best so there was a bunch of dc's whist hopping worlds and a lack of action/ empty wilderness but we still managed to get some loot regardless. Broxx [POV] [Pics]
  4. no video, no teamspeak proof of pull, not one of you pics shows more than 10 people (which btw is required for a successful aftermath) @ @kim
  5. don't see any more than 3/4 people in any of your pictures nor is there a teamspeak pic with proof of pull @kim @
  6. when your cape counter increases by like 25 in an instant lmao kk
  7. l0l we're in the vid for 10 seconds and theres only like 3 litmob guys
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