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Law Abiding Citizen

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Everything posted by Law Abiding Citizen

  1. Maybe if you want more progress (activity returned) you should start getting your ranks who are all in active clans to promote sharkbrew in their clans instead of telling everyone to stay away from it because it's an EOP website. You have all these representatives from these clans who still refuse to help bring activity to sharkbrew
  2. This is almost as poor planning as the time unbreakable ranks tried to host a successful tournament
  3. Hopefully we don't get another ub rank proposed failure for the community events
  4. Damn you pulled a quarter of your weekend pulls gj buddy
  5. Looks like FoM and breakable forgot to pay their weekly wilderness pass lol no wonder they have no aftermaths and dead forums today!

    1. manboob


      you're like a dumbe pixel pigeon lmao

    2. Law Abiding Citizen
    3. Law Abiding Citizen

      Law Abiding Citizen

      ub struggled to pull 35 and couldnt win a fight today lmfao nice mains btw bad choice buddy ahahaha

  6. Why don't we do that with wilderness so clans stop running and having lobby trips when they're trying to be in a rivalry lmfao @Ted On topic, with the current sharkbrew staff who made a mess of the clan wars system (ub l0l) there isnt much chance of a successful event until they get more competent people. Btw FoM is dead l0l
  7. That's funny because 1 random main in an eop cape is the basis to ubs arguments that EOP brings mains lmao!! nice mains btw lol more pures than mains?? and ub say they dont bring mains @17_ look at these tomatos
  8. The capacity to read in EOP is underqualified since everyone is rich, white, handsome, have high gpa, godly genetics, and much more. I can't say the same about certain clans who are ran by people who dropped out of highschool to lead failing runescape clans or for those who become slaves to said clans l0l
  9. why is this posted by a washed up veteran and not a leader or warlord lol
  10. thanks for the free locs l0000000000000l who tf leaks for free lmfa000 btw hows the new xlpc that was gonna focus EOP bro l0l
  11. lbs for 5.7m is better than leaking for free lmfao I'll get you to shine my shoes with those free locs again ahahaha
  12. isnt that some sv reject who piped up when they were reopening for the 7th time and was shut down after the first week when EOP slumped them lol
  13. Will @Ted be handing that teamspeak over to EOP again?
  14. Better than a group of socially awkward dropouts, the aim of the game is to have fun, not develop mental disorders l000l
  15. It's good to see there are still some clans that won't avoid even miniwarring against EOP l0l
  16. It's good to see there are still some clans that won't avoid even miniwarring against EOP l0l
  17. lmfao why is FoM such an nh clan, 9:40 @Ted ddosing his own members after he backstabs them LMFAO @Foe wow lol ddoser clan
  18. Ub have been one of the greater cancer clans in the scene and you'd be an autistic chimp to think otherwise. They brought mains until they realized clans like EOP can retaliate 10 fold
  19. 5 leaders and 1 sink later, @Ted is now pulling half of what EOP pull and losing P2P preps to Fatality and UB l0l
  20. first of all cp is dead and was slumped into obliviohn by EOP, secondly it's "was" not "is", your clan is 6 feet in the ground thanks to teddy, jordai and ptom l00l EOP mercs win again
  21. @Birthday steps down and fatality pulls over 30 for the first time in 3 years lol wow what a coincidence...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Conor McGregor

      Conor McGregor

      it is ur troll acc @17_

      l0l replying to yourself on a 2nd alt rn 17


    3. Law Abiding Citizen

      Law Abiding Citizen

      lol stop replying to yourself @Birthday knows its all you @17_ haha....

    4. Parm
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