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oops i killed u again

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Everything posted by oops i killed u again

  1. On having a large amount of leaks in EOP and destroying them from the inside. How eop will look like after @ is finished: @ go back home. You a +1 in EOP and all ur good ole friends are just leaking
  2. moni picks doom over eop, and that`s cause he prefer quality over quantity.
  3. @Blue Arsenal fan tv won't be lit today :( So unlucky that Middlesbrough has 11 players that sucks more in quality then EOP. Oh well they are #19 for a reason

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. oops i killed u again

      oops i killed u again

      * that arsenal end on #6 or #7 spot

    3. Blue


      lol Robbie will be swimming in cash if that happens l00000l

    4. oops i killed u again
  4. Nice to see a EOP topic not in main section. ' I miss the shoutout to fearless closing into you and boosting ur quality that you didn`t have before but now gained abit.
  5. Hassan ''POP reopened, lets turn into BV again and get back old days rivalries''
  6. Gz fs. About time you guys close into EOP, you guys have been to long on a leash. Hopefully you guys can improve EOP's quality since they have been ass for a very long time.
  7. Bro EOP is justin beiberst clan that excist. Good thing is you guys got a bit of quality to make a rap video( aka togo ft migos), eitherwise there would be nothing left or ur clan. I Always check the ''well'' in edgeville and all i see is shiny t-50 capes at the bottem.
  8. Ah yes keep prepping clans like CD( which are the brown sticky stufftest cw clan together with Envy) to get a win.
  9. Isn`t that chance guy like 30? [FI] Paddy& Tyrone were most feared duo. They made EOP shake back in their prime time.
  10. [EoP] Tyler , just cause hes a justin beiber e-couple with floor. You should be making a who is the most emotional person in the community. I would say EOP leader Nick, just by looking at the topics he makes on EOP forums. Yikes
  11. Lol it doesn`t matter what era you guys in, losing is writen on Eops chest. Watched the prep vs CD vid, holy was about time you guys won a prep i still can`t remember last time you guys won something l0l.
  12. Gz Doom was about time you guys would win a fight. Gj Moni on leaving EOP, you realised they weren`t a quality clan.
  13. Foe you pussies why you step down. Just hype up like EOP did and then you will break them. Well it`s over for HPC scene, FI is going through a rough time if they stay HPC.

    1. 2 ponytails irl

      2 ponytails irl

      help i got alzheimer's milzan LMFAO

  14. Lmfao you came out of retirement just cause EOP said they will use mains again. You rlly bad l0l
  15. Was talking about last year aka 2k16 potato head... You were pulling lowest( beside FI). How can you not remember that when you were mainly in lobby waiting for FI to login and to crash that. That was also the year you lost about 30 preps vs cp/foe and also SUP was above you all the time. EOP was about to drop down also when Tyler stepped down, good thing is Floor gave him a kiss and they became justin beiber leader couple again.
  16. I know ...You left EOP when they were slumping. Can`t wait to see EOP slumping again and a ''goodbye'' topic from you.
  17. Enjoy the top rn Jamz, but never forget what happend to EOP last year(lowest pulling clan besides FI) and were forced to stay into lobby. Soon EOP will be on bottem again, but for now gj.
  18. They didn`t return, you made a topic to make them return lol. Never saw any hpc/mpc/lpc clan making topics about ''now is your time to return'' I smell you being desperate, but gl with the hype etc.
  19. Wow a vid of mainly standing in singles, getting the L from rage and has FS on speed dial. Where can I signup for this amazing clan.
  20. Gz EOP on ur pull and getting 0 action, hahah. Expect more zero action to come. gl

  21. Lol koshar potato head FI and Foe pulled more then wht you say. You got dissed by Mustafa ''kurdistan is not even a real country'' kyp
  22. MFW EOP quality Back to main no quality clan EOP
  23. When are you hopping clans again bro. How much you made so far of leaking in EOP?
  24. Hmm pretty weird to say this, since from intel you left CP first while others didn`t. Also others will prob go back to CP as soon as EOP getting demoralized 1-2 times aswell as they will realise they`ve been in a better clan then EOP. Also I heard ur so emotional that it`s funny l0l. Atm i know how you feel after getting steamrolled by Sam, yikes!
  25. Haven`t you seen the ladder that said ''ur far below me, don`t come to me before you get better'' Idk what`s worse: MM not being here, or you trying to be a MM member lol. Lol chill, i really don`t mind you licking fake smile his toes, but don`t pipe up to me like this ty.
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