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Everything posted by Quode

  1. Today Against All Odds showed up on w385 for our scheduled prep vs CD. Due to server issues causing disconnects, the prep moved to w383. AAO had 31 glorious lions show up ready for action. Many thanks CD for the respectful flame-free prep. Round 1 (Win): Starting/Ending AAO: 31/27 CD: 31/0 Round 2 (Win): Starting/Ending AAO: 31/27 CD: 31/0 Round 3 (Win): Starting/Ending AAO: 31/20 CD: 31/0 Videos: [Marten POV]
  2. Quode


    ? We use Aliases, not our RL information. If we used our RL information, then what would be the purpose of clans doxing you and then publishing all of your information to the world wide web?
  3. Gj at the prep, even though the worlds were dc'ing every round, not just round 1. Not even to mention the numbers from our side that completely lost internet, but some people have nothing else to do I suppose. Gratz
  4. Are you insinuating that being a rank in Imperial is an achievement versus being an Applicant for AAO? And here I thought you guys were cool :S.
  5. Why is it that on Sunday the MPC/LPC trips are at 1:30-2:00PM EST, but on Saturday they're at 6PM? Wouldn't it be alot easier if they were same times on both days? Have always wondered about this, seeing as it cuts late into the evening for North Americans, but ESPECIALLY for GMT lads as well. Is it actually the best time of the day for it? Thoughts?
  6. Gj on your trip lads , appreciated the action today keep it up.
  7. Gj on your trip lads . AAO actually peaked at only 31 today, when we skirmished around you guys and Doom in the beginning we only had 30 with us, but thanks for the action twas a bit of fun for sure. Keep it up.
  8. Well.... it's always sad seeing a clan close regardless in terms of competition, but gl to everybody involved.
  9. Where one goes, others will follow. If the others don't, then the competition will come to them. Truth be told, should the LPC continue the level of activity they're having, eventually as people begin to prioritize LPC trips over HPC trips the HPCs will be forced to come to the LPC times again, killing the level 90s and high level 80s that are there currently. Either way, eventually the pattern will repeat itself and we'll have clans of 50s-60s pulling 60+ trying to dance around and fight clans of 80s and 90s pulling 35-45 and trying to keep up. It's all cyclical, I just think that whoever goes MPC first and snatches up the high 70s-80s will end up the best afterwards.
  10. There will be.... should one of those clans capable step up and begin actually performing well against the established HPCs in lower level wilderness
  11. I'll say that where as LPCs fight each other with relative enthusiasm, HPCs almost hide from each other because they're scared that another "larger" fish will swim on by and gobble them up. They have no real drive or motivation to have any competition, they merely want the illusion of competition so that they can do some damage, clear the fight that's already going on and claim a nice ez win. I will also say however that the LPC scene is starting to reach a clear division between the "MPCs" and the "LPCs". The true LPCs are all pretty much under combat 65 whilst the MPCs are majority 75+ cb with alot of 80s and some even low 90s. It's about to be time for trips to merge together again IMO, because the MPC's are actually healthy enough to compete against the HPCs if they go through the legwork and recruit those fellow 70s and 80s out of the other HPCs.
  12. Also it would help if you "pure" clans weren't over combat 100 lol. Those who went that high are broccolied.
  13. From what I've seen the past couple weeks, it looks like they're doing Nippon Q's main masser team better than Nippon Q's main masser team :shrugs:. EoM doesn't even pull as much as Nippon's mains did back in 2010-2011 yet they seem to be able to do more damage to Fi than Nippon's did to EoP. History repeats itself.
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