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Posts posted by Origen

  1. 1 hour ago, Stl Arrow said:

    I haven't seen this video, but if u knew me you'd know i don't spin anything in anyway other then how i see it. I'll openly admit:

    1. Veng pulls 10+ more people then us everytime we fight & still don't "dominate" us like you guys portray.
    2. Veng was in a joint CC with PD with a combined total of 40+ people at our last fight.
    3. All 3 of your High Councils openly flame and dox Res members then cry and moan when it gets done back.
    4. Your ranks have resorted to pming skillers associated with Res for intel.

    If you beat us you beat us. I've admitted defeat multiple times to @Spoontech& will continue if you guys actually clear us, but name one fight where you have done just that? Every "ending" you take consists of someone crashing and you taking a quick ending as either we chase them away or us having to telli out due to numbers. Please stop acting like you know what your talking about. The try hardness for a rank is almost as bad as Origens lol

    And btw, this speaks for itself.


  2. 1 hour ago, Stl Arrow said:

    I haven't seen this video, but if u knew me you'd know i don't spin anything in anyway other then how i see it. I'll openly admit:

    1. Veng pulls 10+ more people then us everytime we fight & still don't "dominate" us like you guys portray.
    2. Veng was in a joint CC with PD with a combined total of 40+ people at our last fight.
    3. All 3 of your High Councils openly flame and dox Res members then cry and moan when it gets done back.
    4. Your ranks have resorted to pming skillers associated with Res for intel.

    If you beat us you beat us. I've admitted defeat multiple times to @Spoontech& will continue if you guys actually clear us, but name one fight where you have done just that? Every "ending" you take consists of someone crashing and you taking a quick ending as either we chase them away or us having to telli out due to numbers. Please stop acting like you know what your talking about. The try hardness for a rank is almost as bad as Origens lol

    Last sunday retard? Had to call in SV to come save your ass. Most of us didn't even die once, meanwhile most of your guys fall upwards to 10 times EACH.

    Stop playing the innocent card - you are far from innocent. Neither am I, but you are displaying your stupidity publicly right now.

  3. 1 hour ago, Stl Arrow said:

    Point is it happened and we got screwed due to this site so yes we avoid it now.

    What i do is different. Idc about hardly anything so my info being at risk due to using this site i could care less about, but ur right idk why i posted an aftermath on here. Won't happen again 👌

    Aren't two of your High Council the ones that flame me and my members on a personal level daily? Dont act innocent lol, your clan is full of propoganda. The only truthful thing you guys tell your members is that we were dead for 3 months lol

    As far as I know its your members flaming our personal life daily. Not us 😎 I know for a fact that I can't as I am no longer in the Resurgence discord. Still getting PM's from your highly respected, the man himself Dalton about my irl.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Brock said:

    Both great clans used to be in veng in 2k16 res was going good couple months ago idk what happend but either way keep up both your work build the zerk scene again brothers!

    Monopoly on the market brother. We own 80% of the clan scene right now. Only thing Res owns is Edgeville spawn & 30 line.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Local News said:

    @Stl Arrow So good attempt at propaganda yesterday but heres why its actually fuckin awful

    9:25 announcement goes out to mass


    9:49 we're hitting you. It took 24 mins from announcement to wipe. Lets take a look at YOUR Mass time


    11:40. I'm literally bankstanding alone after a pk trip TWO HOURS AFTER WE HIT YOU and you guys finally manaaged to pull THIRTEEN PEOPLE IN TWO HOURS

    You literally hid until our trip was over to show your fucking faces l0l



    11:24pm my last kill last night. That was our last fight of the night, no dead horse clan in sight so we called it. FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER you dumb fucks show up trying to fake some bullshit pictures

    Get the fuck out of here lmao why can't you just clan clean :whatthe:
    How am i the new clanner but you guys are dogshit at this

    @Stl Arrow@Bassive@Safarl@SteezeCheck this out greasy rats

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