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Koed Beastly

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Everything posted by Koed Beastly

  1. Okay, cute reply. Which 98's? Look at our memberlist, then speak. Could of taken the cb 100's ? And yes they are 1 defence Thanks for the fights.
  2. Why u reffering to Ruin when #Supremacy is also having their babies in here We didnt get Gwassed at gap since we didnt cross gap. If I remember correctly every clan just logged in there in waves and we all got mixed up
  3. This is a strange topic. Why is the video only 3 minutes long, edited soo hard and doesnt include half of the fights that happend or only include rushing the end of a fight between other clans? Hmmm Also next time don't include clusterfucks in your title please. Don't make yourself look even more foolish, just a heads up Looking forward to next friday lads!
  4. Mine is pretty low actually. Anyways +1 is free.
  5. And there goes the twisted bow. Well that's less profit for those campers I suppose
  6. Welcome to the sharkbrew community!
  7. Inv and SF both like to get into clumps...
  8. Don't get STD's and certainly DO NOT BRING THEM IN THE WILDERNESS
  9. XLPC: No overs, =<60 combat cap, 1 def armor Seems okay for me LPC: No overs =< 60 combat cap, 1 def armor Overs on =< 75 combat, 1 def armor 1-5 defence MPC Overs on =< 75 combat, 1 def armor Overs on =< 88 combat and 1 -20 defence. HPC Everyone < 39 defence. Personally I have some doubts towards this classification since you put a maxed out 1 defence (cb level 101) under the LPC / MPC community in terms of wilderness pking. For clanning caps can be used as stated by slushpuppy Classification by defence instead of combat level doesnt just seems the answer for me. We used the classification by combat since the beginning so why changing it? And if you change it what other problems will turn up? It looks like it's a cure for a sympthom rather then facing the actuall problem. I know in the past huge efforts and attempts have been made to keep the pure scene clean and keep the mains at home.
  10. What is your real life name? Branden What are your hobbies? Gymnastics What is your RuneScape history? - Multiple pure clans pre-eoc - Supreme 0wnage (warlord, council) What are your goals for your RuneScape account? maxed 1 def What clan are you in? Supremacy Misfits Anything else: 3AT's mein fuhrer Zee kev is hash1 Canadian
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