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Everything posted by Willie

  1. lmao ub fucking perfected r3, hanubundle of twigs era
  2. FI completely lost to misfits, never seen a winning topic lmao. EOP dominates SV. yeh again, brown sticky stuffality is losing to misfits lmao
  3. anything except ub, unless u like make up and stuff
  4. shall i look for your anni video? gl next year
  5. SV fucking sucks lmao, these niggas pull 35 with mains
  6. Isnt FI losing to misfits??????? l0000000000000000000000000l
  7. Arent you the same tomato who thought me and delvis were spys lmao
  8. nobody would join a clan lead by bundle of twigss lmao.
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