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Status Updates posted by Warbow

  1. I think the pure community is starting to creat great banter like it use to have in 2016. Exciting! 

    1. Peace seeker

      Peace seeker

      stfu warbow


      <3 u

    2. Maxx


      2016 was a fucking shit show

    3. Cody9204


      This pure community itself is a fucking meme.

  2. Just perfected envy 2x in a 25v25 twice. Was ez

    1. Cody9204


      Sounds like the Fearless vs outburst days. Those "was ez"

    2. Warbow


      Agreed, was very easy for outburst. That’s why we closed fs.


    3. Cody9204


      wOw man I got one of those too lmao


  3. I just wanted everyone to know that I learned I was a winner tonight. Sorry :) sig epic btw

  4. I have a124. What is this main clanning thing people are doing? How do I get into it?

  5. @Pker4life I want to brid you. I am currently up 1-0. LesGo

    1. Enza


      Brid me bitch

    2. Warbow


      Ok lmfao. You won’t mini me, you won’t prep me. And now you say on sb you will brid me lmao. I’m down

  6. image.png.b6b15d1896338684e336b3c70cb30bdf.png

    I dont need runescape.com to tell me I am a better brid than pkeru. HA gf boss.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Satans


      I think his account got auto-wiped for -rep or something, just vanished lmao

    3. Opticals


      @I bleed team-cape 30 looks like ur even being dropped by warbow faggot

    4. Warbow


      Idk why my photos came out so ass. My apologies 

  7. I can’t believe I use to fight people with a bow and scim in 308. Never again

    1. hubert


      literally no one asked get out of here

  8. I have closed so many clans, I can't remember them all!

    1. Cody9204


      Probably because you were just some disposable +1 in all the clans that closed.

  9. I will be killing kids every Sunday (that I want to play 2007 RuneScape.com)

  10. Just got on runescape for the first time in 3 months, and cleared envy down 10. Was ez

    1. Lankz


      Envy is dog shit as warblow would say 😋 miss u 

  11. So I heard I closed nightmare aswell. Good luck to all the new xlpc clans. Rampage, you got his. Outburst, as an alumnus, I wish you guys luck. You are still my boys @Stewbert @Broxxx. Good luck all! 


    1 man so powerful.

  12. With that being said, I have been informed that I closed cd again. Lmao. T7 is for litmob btw

    1. Brap


      Not sure who you are but grats i guess?

    2. Satans


      Hahahaha you're actually a freak my dude, get a psych test

    3. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      I made you quit RS do I need to pull up the audio again?

  13. Do people actually still play his 11 year old game?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nightmare


      Yet you keep posting on forums idiot, gtfo loser.

    3. Warbow


      Seems like it, and they are upset about it

  14. Why do I make a topic at broxx, and all of his little slaves keep posting on it / making topics above mine. I don’t care what you retards have to say loooooool!

    update, one of the retards just deleted his comment

    1. DilL
    2. Warbow


      Why do you keep calling? Some randoms were up in that audio 

  15. Not flaming here, because I don’t play runescape but you literally said “so we are going to go with cd today” broxx????


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Warbow


      Yo @Andy can I block people? I hate the way 4nrs type their dogshit English 

    3. Andy


      That's a good question, and I think the current answer is no. However I'll take a look at possible ways around that, an ignore function could be a smart addition

    4. Warbow
  16. Who the fuck is calling in the rampiss audio leak?

  17. Yo I am a great runescape player. Retired tho haha

  18. Yo aysix stop sucking dick. Broxx told me he doesn’t like you

    1. F U D O G

      F U D O G

      Fudog + Exzrts > Warbow + Lalo

      me and exzrts reopening WF without you 


  19. I’ve closed 4 of ryan’s clans. And yet I still have utmost respect for him and vice versa. He is no child like every single person in nm. Ty 4 runescape memories the ole kfc ryan

    1. Akah
    2. DilL


      dont think anyone asked

  20. Xlpc trash. Come join the main scene 

  21. Did I really close nm in less than 2 months. Gz me!

  22. POC (nm) broke their knees today because they bent it too much

  23. Why is rampage such a winner clan? 1 man so powerful

    1. Satans


      You're never quitting Runescape bud

  24. 308 randoms are literally putting 2 clans to shame. Big yikes. In the last week I’ve seen 5 RP topics, 0 nvm topics and 0 cd topics

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DilL


      scroll backa few baby girl, rampiss got dogshitted on twice in one day.

    3. Satans


      Imagine people believing this loser when he said he was gunna quit lmfao

  25. Nightmare is a disaster lmao. 1 man so powerful 

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