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Everything posted by Evan

  1. Evan


    Best of luck little guys
  2. Went out for our usual nightly pk trip. We set out with about 20 IR which grew larger as the night went on. We found Misfits out and about doing their thing. We set up four fights with them winning them all. There was a nice 30 minute fight of us pushing them from boneyard to corp and feasting for a while. Thanks for the action MF and thanks for always being down to tussle. ~ Videos ~
  3. http://www.ir-rs.com | Are you Intense Enough? | http://www.ir-rs.com On P2P and NFL Sunday Kick off Intense Redemption massed up 43 turquoise hats and ended 2 hours later with a solid 40. We tried to set up many 1 on 1's but the community loves to crash everything. Therefore, we figured we would continue the course and get some clusters going. We had a nice clean clear on the bee hive to end our trip. Gj today everybody. ~Videos~ Our first bit of action was a hit on Supremacy at 26 hill. We logged in on top of them and they ran to single. PX then came in on our side and clumped heavy on the SE side. We focused the clump for a while until we were crashed again, we pulled north to get out. After our tussle, we tried to set up a PKRI at boneyard with Fatality. We ran in and found them west. The fight started off great and looked like it was going to be clean but our intel said EOP/UB was crashing from ruins. We ran east through FI and got out before any damage was done. The action kept on rolling, we were spread east of Bandits and PX came in to say hello. The fight was instantly crashed by Fatality. IR pulled west to the teleport spot of bandits to prepare for a Gwas. We caught so many nerds in a clump and had some fun laughs. UB eventually crashed everything pushing through the clump and we dipped. GF clans. IR had intel that Fatality was fighting Supremacy at CA. We logged in at SE graves and hit them from behind. UB eventually crashed and we dipped with our free hit. We set up a PKRI with the bee's at east bandits. We defended and they came in from the north. We absolutely out swarmed their swarm and rounded them up. Supremacy stayed in the single the whole time doing nothing, just watching us put a beating on MF. After MF was cleared we pulled to the tele spot and GWAS'd their returners. PX then came to crash, we caught them in a huge clump for some laughs east of fortress and let them have some glory. We tried to set up another fight with MF this time at Khazard battlefield. We hit some of their stragglers but the fight was instantly crashed by the whole pure community. Cool little spot, would have been fun. All clans ended at this point besides FOE + EOP. It was our time to get a clean 1v1. We defended East of ruins and MF came in to us. We caught a ton of 3 man clumps making this easy for us. Our north side came in to spec out the remaining. We pushed MF down to corp and killed off their remaining df
  4. http://www.ir-rs.com | Are you Intense Enough? | http://www.ir-rs.com Today IR peaked at 42 ferocious sabretooth tigers and held 40 opts for a solid 3 hour pk trip. Our scims were soaked in blood, our quivers went empty, and our enemies on the battle field, fell. We had a blast today, thanks to everybody we fought and to all the IR who attended. ~Videos~ Intense Redemption vs Phoenix Our first fight was a set up PKRI at high altar. The fight was even up until Foe Crashed, GF PX. After our crashed fight, we floated around HA as clans were coming to party. We logged in on top of Apex,FI and PX with 40 strong tigers and completely dominated the cluster, beating the Altar's carpet and shooing away all the fleas. These clans dipped, we found them again, this time Supremacy was in the mix. We again controlled the cluster until FOE/Ub crashed. Gf clans We started a fight with PX north of Bandits and completely dominated the fight. Apex and Ub then crashed. UB dipped, so we picked on Apex, unfortunately brown sticky stuff head clans crashed ruining our glory, but it was fun nonetheless. Gf clans. We ran into FOE west of bandits, we were down opts, but we caught them off guard letting us put some nice bangs in. We continued to fight until UB crashed. We ran north sniping and picking off a ton of UB + Foe from single/multi. Was fun action. We had intel on Fatality fighting Supremacy at castle. We hit the fight full force absolutely flooding the entrance in blue. UB eventually crashed causing a nice cluster. Gj to all clans, was fun. Our scouts were flooding castle, and found SUP fighting I forget who. We logged in on top of them to the west and cleared them out of sight. UB came to party and we started a nice tussle with them, the fight ending in single. GF Sup. Supremacy found us at bandits. They rushed in down opts. We didn't lose a single person while we had them below 20. Basically cleared. Eventually they called their friends in EOP to come help them and a nice 2v1 seemed to have started. Luckily EOP sacked up and said fuck SUP and a free for all began. GF Sup, father EOP can't save you. Supremacy + EOP A brawl started at castle. The fight was basically IR vs EOP. Sup was down to 20 in game for the rest of their trip. It seemed like the clans were teaming for a while. Eventually EOP started hitting sup back in the south west tower. We sat up stairs with 35 in game just banging anybody that came up. Had some really good laughs. We then flooded the ground level and pushed EOP+Sup out to single. Was fun GF everybody. IR PRIDE Image[https://imgur.com/xVYbTSM] blocked. Upload At Approved hosts Image[https://imgur.com/xVYbTSM] blocked. Upload At Approved hosts
  5. Your clan is on the verge of closer in XLPC. Stay bent
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXJF8IIqDc0
  7. Piped up. Commander - Today at 4:15 PM i was tbed at trip and we were rging for another hit so i ran singles int ir and spammed kill me pls and they wouldnt they spammed we love pipe bros
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