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Status Updates posted by Vegan

  1. Did someone tell this 17 guy he's getting Leader


  2. DULLS era of EOP has the worst record vs FOE over all past years. 

    A legacy clan that is scared to fullout another legacy clan and has ZERO trust in their member base.  

  3. When being in EOP is the best thing you have in your life LMFAO


    amirite @17_

    1. Unbiased Reporter

      Unbiased Reporter

      17 definitely has more friends in his runescape clan than he's ever had IRL

    2. WarChild


      didn't @17_ fake cancer what a broccoli

  4. When EOP's yearly relevancy of a little over a month comes and goes and you realize they've accomplished nothing


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Satans


      Ngl, EoP been on top for months and months now

    3. Vegan


      you bring mains and you had a 150 pull yesterday and didn't rush anyone

      LMFAO #1 in your fucking dreams

    4. Mi Ni

      Mi Ni

      r[]fl eom is so shlt, never ever won anything

  5. When you've used mains for 10+ years but still have no statue


    1. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      When you're a vegan irl.


  6. Who is really taking over?

    10 ub members in FOE?

    50+ xLPC tomatos in EOP?

    Comment and let me know your thoughts!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hubert


      dude u must be a big fan of me @lookatwhatidid

    3. lookatwhatidid


      a very big fan of nmz recruits m8 lo00000ll @fox money make sure ur typing the locs in the cc/bottom ts next weekend btw

    4. lookatwhatidid


      im on eop's ts btw, come talk to me pussy lmfao @fox money

  7. remain easy doom

  8. 20 def, 50 ts convos in leadership later, EOP still too scared to fight the Kings

  9. EOP being this scared on a fucking Java game because you know if you lose, everything you gave up IRL for this fucking game will be for nothing

  10. EOP decided to close until reinforcements arrived, now the Doom+SF+CD+FS+AAO members have arrived I'm sure they'll accept!

    1. Edjez


      sf is not in eop

  11. EOP has been dodging a fullout from FOE longer than FI dodged a fucking prep from EOP

  12. EOP lost the wilderness fullout they begged for and will never accept one in clan wars after 84-0

  13. EOP lost the wilderness fullout, where's the clan wars fullout pussies

    1. Shoan


      Congratulations, you outragged a rag clan. Prep when?

  14. EOP only wants to fight when they have 20 def, mains, and 10 clans closing into them, even then they won't even accept a fullout 

    1. Dynamic


      Think they did accept though? They'll fullout in 2 months which is fair

    2. H I T T A

      H I T T A

      2 months to prepare for a runescape.com fight lol 

    3. Gibbo
  15. EOP will dispute FOE topics instead of just accepting our fullout and beating us

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vegan


      So instead of accepting a declaration to fight with pures you'll continue to bring 20+ mains to save your dying clan?


    3. 0ldschooler


      no i will bring 20+ mains to kill your dying clan, hehe

    4. Knox


      easy for eop lmfao

  16. FOE has already bullied EOP so much that they've finally gone back to their old ways of 20+ mains at an F2P trip

  17. FOE has clearly hurt EOP pretty bad after their decade of existence, that even after closing EOP ranks try their hardest to fight FOE on a fan website

  18. FOE is #1

    1. Kiwis


      well eop defo is #1 lmfao

    2. F2p2007


      Eop lives in Foe's shadow

  19. FOE is the reason EOP will never win a JCUP

  20. I remember when I got approached a year ago with a handful of FOE dox's by EOP ranks.  I then proceeded to end my irl life to hop on Sharkbrew every day to make topics about it in hopes that someone would hold my hand and just tell me everything would be alright

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JoJo


      I remember when i did not ask lmfao

    3. 0ldschooler


      youre literally vegan,  ending your irl life doesnt sound like a bad idea

    4. Vegan


      Wait am I literally actually vegan?  That's a good observation man! +1

  21. I'm the reason EOP sits at gdz and does nothing for 2 hours

  22. Imagine being in a community college frat

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