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Unbiased Reporter

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Everything posted by Unbiased Reporter

  1. a month ago before eop realized they needed mains, they couldn't hold their own in a 1v1 either
  2. IR pulled 15 more but always had just as many stragglers, px ir and apex pretty close
  3. 1. EOP 2. FOE 3. UB 4. PX 5. IR 6. APEX 7. MF 8. FI 9. AAO 10. SUP 11. SF
  4. poor attempt at trying to make up for that embarrassing sunday trip
  5. uh last time I checked Foe slapped eop in boh servers U should log out lil buddy, just like how u did in that 3rd round after foe drops 6 in a 40v40 P2P ahahah
  6. the "drop the mains for prep" response isn't fooling anyone, if eop has any decent quality then there's no reason not to prep foe
  7. Nice job main clan EoM, how can you call yourselves a top tier clan but be afraid to prep foe/ub bwahahahh
  8. IR sand crab/masser clan shouldn't be trying to pipe up, almost on par with CD quality
  9. didnt know aao was still alive
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