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Public Relations Pig

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Posts posted by Public Relations Pig

  1. 40 minutes ago, Jamz said:

    parm admitted that u still had a main clan (jaja) and two main teams ready to come lol

    oh and rot hate di and were under the impression most of our mains were di

    so instead we hit everyone and actually had fights while u sat there dying several times to suicide barragers since u were watching yt vids and shows ;p

    overall id say 7/10 anni =d 

    just funny that the week i joined foe alongside hanuman and others, we pulled 90 for two weeks and u sat at gap acing fights with 50 mains when u had the same pull and could have fought pure on pure


    its what i did when i was warlord and we smokered foe multiple times, guess dull thought he had a lot to lose if he did lose w/o mains, not sure on his mind about the situation as i am not him nor talked to him about it just assuming


    >loses all day saturday

    >avoids biggest rival all day sunday and instead opts to hit aao vs sup 30v30 10 steps from singles

    7/10 for trying

  2. Just now, Jamz said:


    mate lets be realistic about the situation, there were 60 115-126s that were rendered useless due to the illogical decision made by a couple of people to fight you at bandits when the game plan created was to hit ya'll on mains whilst we hit pures due to there being no way you'd fight us higher considering we had the same opts

    and even if you did come to fight us higher you more than likely would have outlasted and beaten us due to the sole fact u had jaja and a bunch of other main teams willing to help u because there are 3 di kids who are in foe lol

    then yeh some dood got paid fat bucks to suicide to ya'll down 70 people wise on the closing trip kappa


    hmm hmm okay

    so what's your excuse for sunday then? we sat spread at gdz for 2 hours while you ran around with 100 hitting 30v30s lmao

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