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Everything posted by Bbm

  1. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I don't know paulina!!
  2. @Braptoo busy in a corner crying so he can't be sb staff/fo staff lol
  3. You're in VR, I can't expect you to understand. Don't even bother trying to understand because you won't. Clearly you can't even read.
  4. So you're saying you've never said anything outside of staff section to someone ? Regardless of who it was? I can't actually take what you say serious now.
  5. Phebz is a bigger troll than Break... DO you really think someone who put so much effort into something would leak something of actual significance...Please..Like you haven't said anything from staff before. Phebz got tired of it all so he doesn't care what people think at this point, so admitting to something wouldn't matter.
  6. @8pint What is wrong with you dude, you need to seek help lmao..
  7. It was probably some other staff member trying to frame him, eh obvious that EOP isn't wanted as staff on the brew by all because FO taking over. except for @Brap, he still crying in a corner somewhere
  8. That's honestly a funny contradictory to your story. You're saying since people in a main clan are in a pure clan, (Main clanners will come to strictly attack them on pures? Why the fuck wouldn't they end up coming on mains if mains are hitting them?) I'm not sure if you're anti-clanning or just anti-merger tbh. And If you think people don't PM main clans to come to the fight than you are highly mistaken because I've seen it with my own two eyes. Next time you quote me please say something worth reading because everything you said made zero sense. CT doesn't ever show up (regardless if Rev is there or not) REV shows up if asked/paid There's more I could say but what's the point to someone who is anti-duo clanning
  9. Give me a name of the main clan and I will find out for myself whether or not they did or did not.
  10. Just because full-outs aren't declared on a forum, doesn't mean it isn't spoken about. Why do you even concern yourself with Runescape when you're past your prime and irrelevant..Stay sucking dick or move on with your life.
  11. FOE literally told 2 main clans to come hit EOP members last weekend. I have PMS and conversations with people in those clans that have gone, as well as refused.. You talk about one clan, it's most. If anyone thinks I'm lying, you're honestly retarded and don't know anything about clanning in general and should stick to being out of situations that don't concern you. As far as Sup, FI, IR, EOP calling main clans...That's yet to be seen (two Jaja kids that are in EOP clan, can't be worth FO calling SV + (Main alliance) to hit pures. It's sad, I've been saying to get rid of Danny for months but it isn't until some kid in another clan PMs you about the amount of mains hanging around fights? The guy literally begs people to come hit pures lol (pretty sad the PMs I've seen.) Just leave it alone and let all clans fullout then, what's the point of addressing it if no1 will do a single thing. FO will still call main clans, IR and Sup will continue to fight with Mains/Pures, and every other clan will fight until they cannot fight any longer.
  12. Atleast I don't go around posting everywhere trying to 'pretend' and stay relevant after being irrelevant for 3 years lol.
  13. You're literally a retard lmao....Legit
  14. Because some irrelevant people who are already biased over clan shit matters to me lol...no... Foe still uses mains first, and they can't 1v1 EOP. Period.
  15. This is how I know you'vee probably been in one clan or (shitty) ones your whole life lol. You leave the scene, tele back up and take a fake ending AKA something Adhi has done for years lol...
  16. Convenient that FOE ends briefly for 5 minutes and then have 3 other clans login with their capes to take a fake GDZ ending pic. lol
  17. I guess you were there when Sup came in FOE capes and 3 main clans came to help them too right..? :\ Maybe not.
  18. they did a fake ending in a different world + called 2 main clans lol it was very sad... Want to know something else that's pretty sad.... This...because it's true.
  19. @holydreams Glad you made it ! Finally....took you 10 hours but hey ! Check out my last pic
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