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Posts posted by Foe-Rs.com

  1. 1 hour ago, debb said:

    what you mean bro?? its jamz, paul and austin different fo bro


    if you wanna make your personal beef with koshar public and get both clans involved, go for it.


    your move

    I'm sure you're not blind enough to realize that the second option is getting your dog back on his leash and play runescape.com without needing to involve this cringe threatening shit in it. Very reasonable request.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Meet Them With Scims said:

    Option 3:

    EoP dictates, not the opposite.

    Shut the fuck up and see u next weekend


    So you're saying that EOM is trying to dictate a doxx war against FOE? You're starting this, instigating, and executing.


    9 minutes ago, Meet Them With Scims said:

    We are all grown men/women playing a game and bringing things to IRL. Sad? Yes. Retarded? Yes.

    Stop acting like this topic is gonna do anything, cuz it's not. Fo''s is trying to dictate? Haha, that's funny. In the end of the day, you still get bullied in-game and there's nothing you can do about it. "So heyy, let's make a topic on sharkbrew because one retarded eop rank posted my warlord's irl!!! omg it's the end of the world!!!".

    Koshar is a lil kid acting like hes a gangster. He's looking for attention and you retards are giving him it. There is legit nothing he can do to Jamz or his family members, so why are you so triggered? You wanna punish him? Go ahead and dox him, hack him. Whatever. I told him many times to take danny's pic off from his avatar, he wouldn't, told him to take jamz off, he wont. 

    Every1 seems to be a fucking pussy nowadays

    Go ahead and dox him and stop crying about it on a shit forums that no1 (REALLY) cares about. 

    Oh, and if u think when the dox war begins we won't be able to retaliate cuz lil nick isn't here, you're wrong.


    This is an official from your clan posting this, therefore we consider it a leadership decision, which makes it a clan decision, which means every single one of your members is involved. Also I don't care for your excuses, I'm perfectly aware to the dot how old Koshar is and he is a legal adult everywhere in the world and he will be treated as such.

    Also if you think this is about low key database hunting you are severely underestimating the level of shit you'd be in if you continue down this path. I know who doxxes in EOM and it's not much, and if you think the people who are competent in the RS community will be on the side of Koshar you are poignantly mistaken.

  3. Remember when this guy cried about having his IRL leaked by someone with weak connections to FOE at best? https://eop-rs.org/topic/108556-foe-doxing/


    The person responsible was "Clan Ally" rank which in the current age of FOE means that you are not mentally disabled and somewhat regularly visit our forums.

    As FOE holds high standards that person had his rank removed INSTANTLY and was subsequently banned from our community.


    Topic from EOM's own website.

    So let's talk about the hypocrisy here.


    Two IRLs leaked, one real-life name leaked.


    Full name leak + extensive harassment & dox threats from a COUNCIL rank of EOM?





    EOP ranks responding to doxxing family members which is apparently HILARIOUS


    EOP forum account made by an EOP rank containing full name of relative, IRL picture of said relative and previously had personal linkedin information fully displayed on their forums.

    More RECENT doxx information leaked by EOM:





    At this point it is no secret your clan lacks any honor or standard, so I'll make it simple instead.

    Option 1: Koshar will be removed from your community at once and it is done. Let me remind you of the fact you expected this treatment when it happened to you, although it wouldn't surprise anyone if you turned out to be hypocrites and entertained his actions.

    Option 2: All attempts at releasing information will be stopped instantly from this moment forth and any person who is involved will be removed from the community whenever attempted again. Ranks publicly start speaking out against any doxxing attempts and ban uses from your community rather than infantile and pathetic responses we've seen so far. If you think spamming real-life names and doxxes on alt-accounts or alt-identities will evade accountability, you are mistaken.

    Failure to choose either option will be seen as an official declaration from EOM to start a doxx war against FOE and will be handled accordingly. There have been zero attacks from FOE, zero instigations, zero rebuttals. I'd like to remind the individuals that they are not as comfortable as they might they think are....not at all (yes, I hope you consider that fully back-handed threat in all seriousness). The individuals from FOE that they should be worried about have not had any involvement in this matter so far. Don't forget you won't be getting the support you might have relied on in the past...I'm sure you know what we mean.

    I hope EOM can show that they want to play Runescape rather than make disgusting IRL threats. We've given you ample opportunity to fix your act, to clean up your mistakes, to stop it from happening. You ignored it, this is your last warning. Ball is in your park, we'll give you 24 hours.

  4. While I appreciate the attempt at banter, I feel compelled to point out the cringeworthy attempt at sounding educated.

    "The following is confidential information released..."

    Confidential information does not get "released". Confidential information by definition is information that can not be released. It is either leaked, declassified or disclosed.

    There should be a comma after "Pure Clanning".

    "Doctor Professor" is not a thing. People either go with Doctor after completing their Ph.D. or with Professor after being approved by an education board.

    Calling someone an "expert" after already stating they are both a "Doctor" and a "Professor" is superfluous at best.

    "Lecturer" is implied by the fact they are a professor.

    The overall grading sheet, besides being low quality humor, tries really hard to sound sophisticated but seems to have been written by someone with a flimsy grasp of the English language.

    I'm impressed with your observation that an essay indeed "begins" with an introduction.

    Bold-faced either refers to bolding text or means "bold in manner or conduct". No one who has any worthwhile university education would bold a thesis statement. Suggesting a thesis statement needs to be bold shows little understanding of the academic world.

    Insinuating that the author of an academic essay needs "logic" to make claims is insulting to the audience of this post. Contextually credible evidence does not mean what you think it means. Contextually refers to credible in this statement, which suggests that the credibility of the source is dependent on the context. That is extremely incorrect. Either refer to other words properly or start using commas.

    Grading a paper on its merit by checking whether a body paragraph starts with a "topic sentence" is exciting stuff for someone learning the basics of academic writing, but implying it is wrong to not do it makes me wonder whether you've had any experience with academic sources outside of the inept papers submitted by your fellow first-year students.

    Equally exciting is the usage of the word "constructs", as if your attempt at sounding brainy needed any more evidence to prove the contrary. We get it, you have a tab with a thesaurus open.

    "Essay digs beneath the surface" sounds clumsy although not wrong, but "of the topic under consideration" certainly is. Is it under consideration? Is he writing a dissertation proposal? What exactly is "under consideration" here? Stop trying to sound educated and use words like "subject" or "topic" or simply leave out "under consideration" if you don't know what it means.

    You repeat the pleonasm with "Essay ends with a concise conclusion."

    I'm very happy you understand what citing means in the academic world, but there is actually no such thing as citing a "resource". I think the word you were looking for is "source", but I'm sure the cup of coffee you drank is grateful for finally getting some credit.

    Your last rubric is simply painful. You're suggesting that even if the essay contains no errors, a student can be graded with "Poor" if they did not proofread thoroughly. How would you even check whether the author proofread anything? Or was this another tortuous statement that wanted to say that the essay should contain no errors, potentially the result of proper proofreading? You keep using phrases that don't actually mean what you want them to mean. Stick to more basic language next time.

    Your first comment opens with "lack of credible sources" but the rubric only suggested a minimum of one credible source. Either you are contradicting your grading criteria or you are nit-picking for no clear reason. Maybe you should have proofread your own banter post before trying to call someone else's "poorly written".

    While not inherently wrong your writing style is awful. "That" can be omitted in over half of the cases if you reworded your clumsy writing, although admittedly that would be too much to ask for.

    I guess it's part of the attempt at banter but "emotional rambling" breaks the illusion of you trying to grade it as if you actually were someone with an education.

    Next, "that results in the overall context of the essay" legit does not make sense in any way. Emotional rambling does not affect the "context of the essay". It might result in poor argumentation, poor flow, poor academic value, but implying rambling can affect the "context" of the essay is hilarious unless you are implying he is writing a thesis on the rambling itself. Which he is not, which again makes you wrong.

    Concluding the sentence with "of the essay to fall victim." may sound smart but it's actually wrong. Again. The essay falls victim to what here, exactly? The emotional rambling is the result so you can't possibly refer to that. I think you're missing a few words here buddy, as you didn't mention a cause.

    It is indeed an "interesting choice of colorful language". However, as you try to insult it in the next sentence, which happens to be a completely new sentence, that should not be a comma but a period. The more you know.

    "If this was a 5th grade essay you might have passed" is admittedly cheeky, but considering the fact you're writing in the present by using "you might have passed", that "was" should actually be a "were".

    All-in-all I didn't actually expect much from a little essay written by anyone from EOP as your clan is known for its lack of educated members. I think you trying to compete with FOE in the banter department is very brave but evidently it's not your strong suit. You already got beaten in the meme department so I hope you find something you're actually good at. Third time's a charm, right?

    Overall grade: F-.

    Result: Fail.

    Chance of a re-sit: Do us all a favor and don't bother.

    Thanks for playing.

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