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Everything posted by Thessalia

  1. copying real ambush's name and using sf cape.. nice
  2. whatever the other clan is seems like they've never touched clanning before... so so so bad.... gj on win
  3. bring mains u pussy ill pull 2x ur clan in mains just for even threatening an xlpc
  4. just gonna ignore all of foe's mains/tannies main team/dk and other main clans ???? LOL if u bring 10 mains im bringing 50 u dummies stop cry l0l00l also yikes at all these CD guys acting like foe's attack dogs.. you've all changed and look like dogs lmfao
  5. why are their voices shaky lmfao its a game.. close ur eyes itll be over soon
  6. congrats dude lol what a life...
  7. u logged in for hours at 4 am to help fo lose.. u lose here dude stop being so cringe
  8. envy cant even compete vs the low tier clans so they have to bring mains to a 20v20.. lmfao imagine
  9. wait 5 fs sniping = 3 way cluster?? LOOOOOOOOOOOL then u brought mains to fight vendettas 0 mains? LMFAO nice losing topic u freaks
  10. mad? l00000000l i know ur shit at pking but i guess ur shit in the head too lmfaooo
  11. u realize its a meme right lmfao 150 on counter and spam "150 pures".. stay triggered
  12. demote the useless warlord that cant continue the trip once the other leaves. not a good look ending under an hour
  13. nice propaganda lmfao hopefully u stay out longer than an hour today!
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