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Everything posted by ELEKTHEGREAT

  1. can't have topics in the main section if you dont make any
  2. ended zenith's pkri on a monday and sent them straight to clanwars lmfao
  3. Fo was determined not to leave the man's side and they still got puffed twice somehow
  4. Tldr of zenith and co's week so far:

    -Bullied out of Monday pk trips by fi

    -Spy hit by fi on login on what was supposed to be a pkri vs hydra on tuesday

    -Baited out by fi and completely destroyed on Wednesday 

    Let's see what Thursday holds for them 😂😂😂😂😂


  5. I hope hitting 5 of our guys pking makes u feel better about getting fully clrd 1v3 ysday C u when I c u
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