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Fatality Vs Final Ownage Elite 45 Vs 45 F2P Prep [2-1]


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 Yo mutespitter420 where you at?




Not even gonna bother reading what you said when you quoted me I'm assuming on page 5 since it's not on this page (don't do that again u lil dog)


You literally went on battle-scape.com to pull up a fake ending (ON PRIVATE SERVERS LMFAO) which happened on a Saturday where we waited 30 minutes-an hour for your brown sticky stuff clan (who refused to prep us, starved us, won two out of the 30 something minis we had with you, teamed on us every weekend (still couldn't win), etc etc) and then left when we realized you weren't going out. Then, you massed up and took this screenshot, only to move servers and only to close after a week! LMFAO is that something you're actually proud of bro? Your clan was nothing back then, and it was nothing against the "new" kids you seem to think you're so above on this thread. We literally had that clan jam packed with leaks to the point where we demoralized you into closing! LMFAO AND THEN U GUYS TRIED TO MAKE AN LPC ON RS AND COULDN'T EVEN DO THAT LMFAOOOOOOOOOO HOLY brown sticky stuff WTF WHY AM I WASTING MY TIME ON THE DEBRIS ON THE BOTTOM OF MY CLIMBING BOOTS THAT GOT THERE FROM BEING REPEATEDLY STOMPED IN2 THE GROUND AT GDZ L000L


50-0 never forget, the reason your ranks wouldn't prep us lmfao









In addition to this, I heard from a few Fi members that you used to get bullied day in day out until Bruins told them to stop. Lmfao I can't believe I'm giving you a chance to defend yourself when you act like a complete beta cunt online in your own clan lmfao. You'd be surprised how many people think you're actually a fucking delusional moron. It's mind bogging honestly. First you have to cling to the past in an attempt to have any sort of weight on two "mutes" who have bullied u up and down this thread. Then you try to come at daddy with a fake ending screenshot and get put in the dirt. Think b4 u come at my neck u dirty charcoal colored bundle of twigsgot lmao


I really hope Fi never gives you a chance at a rank because you will put that clan in the ground alone. You're garbage, justin beiber, and have a ponytail in 2016. Don't ever quote me again unless you wanna get ether'd again, pussy


Checking out, putting my teammates in now @@Dragonfish @u dont want these hands @weird fucking lettering iobsession

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btw ween get outta here with ur mexican ass givin us the swine flu lmao


only thing u should be fighting is obesity u fat broccoli



and everyone beats rd lmfao


@ is one of the brainwashed RD members who gets spoon fed intel and believes every word without using one brain cell that he unfortunately posses for his own personal thinking.




Real stats broccoli RD

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