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More Competition, and a better Clanning Future!


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You're misunderstanding. These are all things they could do for the Jcup but don't. Unless you were planning on putting in the money yourself.

This is the most accurate post on here.


You seem nice and well rounded, as well as have a decent idea, but Runescape is a MMO, first and foremost. They're player base isn't for Clanning -PvP wise, moreso for those who actually play the game. I.E - Questing, PvM and of course PvP; with PvP on the decline since 2007. And of course as some have mentioned here, it's RNG.


This idea would be great for a community to host, like how Eve Online is for their clans, but this site is not community based or driven at all. After checking around a little bit to catch up and see how everyone is, your "community" here is in dire trouble to fall into the same hole, without EOC and a dying pking community on the base game being the cause of the hole.


The only successful things that brought the community together were the last two pure free for alls in 2007, PCL, the first 2 v 2 tourney, and the first Red Vs Blue that I was lucky enough to pull off at the perfect time, otherwise that wouldn't have worked either. But take it from me, as one of the two people that had contact with Jagex, and got their backing, they will most likely continue to promote whatever is new for their game, and will continue to create new content for it. There's too many variables that can make anything with cash prizes go wrong.


Back when Pure Community had control of the community in 2008, Karl was working to help promote the site further by making a complete main page for PC but also making a separate entity called Pure Warfare(hence the name), which was meant to be a clan ladder system in comparison to MLG, for pure clans. Which would track all wins and losses from PCL, which is all we had back then, as the community was collapsing from the removal of the wilderness. It would also track preps and full outs. Him and I couldn't get the backing from Jagex for the ladder system, even though there was such dissent for their actions against the clanning community; you'd think they'd be down to help it restore itself, but they never answered us. Needless to say the admin of PC at the time wasn't fit for administrating and the community fell apart, but that's a different story.


I wish you the best of luck and to all the new people on here, as well as their clans. I highly recommend separating the actual pure clans from whatever is 20+ defense and go back to the original foundation of pure clan requirements. That'll most likely get those newer unaware kids that solo-PvP, to finally move into the pure Channing scene, as they'd never get high defense as the pure scene was founded on our limitations, strict requirements and pking.

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Interesting, if you can convince jagex that you are capable of improving/adapting the Jcup and have alot of ideas for different clanning events, and that it could even to some extend be an e-sport with alot of hype, they could actually be interested aswell but i wouldnt count on it.

I like your ideas but this could at some points be as much work as a fulltime job, gl my man:)

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Money motivates people to change their attitude though lol. The exposure and cash prizes can help quite a bit, and make clanning a healthier environment overall. 

to an extent, you are right - money is a great motivator, but with no further accountability, I think the money would just make the cheating more prevalent, vicious and justifiable (in the minds of the degenerates who already do it).  

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