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Junior Pures, jr clan of the infamous The Pures; Not many knew of this clan, being Alchemist339 and Rangerbob36

And so it had part of Op

Late January 2006

I soon found myself applying for Op this day, as many other people of fame like I lov desire and members to remembered like greenbow10 had been care in runescape about other people, only myself...until i decided it was time for a pure clan, in those days pures and clans would fail because of the lack of community and selfishness consumed many of them

Upon reaching 39 combat i had browsed runescapecommunity for pure clans, then there it was, a topic with no posts and very bad intro, a topic named ownage pures, i hadnt really taken pure clans seriously as i looked into the site and was not very enticing, but had shown something that wanted me to stay, the rules were no teleporting and that this clan had some honor, and was very diffrent from any group of pures I had been with before

I made an application, and a day later, alchemist339 current leader of op accepted me at 39 combat (the requirements were 40+ cmb then) As i looked through forums and posted actively, and Sharpshootax

Op had now been allied to GoH, but never really experienced much with eachother, but soon the members made good friends with eachother, as per having 3-10 man trips daily

Mid February 2006

And this point in time, Op soon experienced it's bad marks, such as events, even 1 official trip rangerbob36 himself was bsed in a pk trip, many not even knowing he was leader, and the trip abruptly ended as we were crushed by a main clan at greaters

Inter-clan arguements and flame wars errupted with the founded irc chat controlled over by Eos Ranger1 who infact had caused them, yet such action was ignored

However the clan was expanding rapidly, soon reaching about 75 members, the clan had then exercised its potential by celebrating it's 1st wars:

Op's 1st war was a simple 10 vs 10 against Age of pures, another pure clan near our requirements, arriving with 10 on the spot, we pulled a victory against them with 3 losses

Being expanded, our first fullout war was against Chaos pures, many people had signed up, and members were worried if we were to lose we would close down as it would create a big morale lost as the clan was impending unstable with arguements and bsing on various events

But the clan had forgotten that and its troubles, and the day of the war, op pulled 28 people, and slaughtered cp and gave new hope for op

Video of war: http://media.putfile.com/Op-Vs-Cp

Late February 2006

After achieving a big victory over cp, reputation was earned, and now competing with clans near our lvl, and perhaps soon to be a newbound force heading towards older clans such as Vip who had then closed however

Feb.20th, Erruption of Pures request for alliance and was considered, but then accepted by it's officials and soon to share a mutual rivarly with eachother as both clan's members had hate for eachother despite the alliance

T i g e r pk, I D4nte I, and B o 0 m 3 r make thier way into Op

March 2006

By this time, Op had achieved highest point it could have, having about 100 members it was truly now a clan that was known by top pure clans now, even 1 offering a decision changing the direction of clan

As with this new strength we had realize and some popularity of applications that came along the clan, Op decided to go big and battle a clan with much higher requirements, and this clan was had found was named Zamorak Devils, whom in turn had 8 people signed up for war, and thought it would be an easy victory

The day of the war we had about 35 people, we had battled at greaters only to find many many people against us, we tried to fight well but Zd brought allies and cheated and was declared a win for Op and Zd to be disgraced, them upon reaching edgeville, they had flamed us

Vid of war: http://files.filefro...;/fileinfo.html

About the same time, a person named 3 Hit U Pure leader of Supreme Ownage, which was a top 5 pure clan, would make an offer that would change the clan forever, and offered Op to become the junior clan of s0, and after little discussion, the offer was accepted and we became they're jr clan and changes to be made too soon perhaps

Quote of Alchemist339 making it official:


Well i talked to 00 agresser and 3 hit and they accepted. Read the following:

If you reach S0 requirments you Join S0!
If you don't you stay with us.
Some changes will come soon

Now our reputation was well known to many clans our requirements, and more people had joined the clan, after some succesful trips and sometime later there would be a some changes

3 Hit U Pure now being granted admin of the clan now, had made several topic crticizing the clan and its leaders, some quotes from what they were:


Why are you guys inacitive Image[http://cp-rs.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/unsure.png] blocked. Upload At Approved hosts? If your just getting Bs'D, report to A DAMN LEADER. This continuing might even end up disbanding OP. Yo Leaders, Do something with the clan, Don't just stand around and let everything just happen just like that, be more ****ing agressive, your too soft ffs. and OP Members, get your ass up and get more into the clan. Stay active, thats the whole point of getting a clan Together which is how Supreme Ownage got to together for what it is RIGHT NOW!



Ranks, Their not for someone to be picked for no reason as in "omfg pick me, i wannt to be cool to be officier!11!1"

Thats tomatoic.

Ranks like these are EARNED! They are not to be played with.

Explanation of the Rank 'Officer'

- Officer: An Advisor. Helps members of the clan cheer them up, boosts up morale of fellow members and Scouts around the boards for inappropriate subjects and is and or Very Active.

After people had gone inactive and important people, high councils blizz69x and brother hant, i lov desire and many more leaving and going inactive, and 3 hit u pure wanting more changes, the clan was doomed and began a new era, a new era that would proove to be worthy physical wise, yet dug down into an abyss as civil wars roared internally

Op had been a haven for friends and pkers alike, eventually the harmony was destroyed by the power desired by many of the clan. Op would only be rememeberd by myself and very few others..as the good ol' days...

Birth of Sacred Pures

Late March 2006

As Op was forgotten and most loyal members had registered for the new clan site, a new era had began. And the clan now called Sacred Pures had a jump-start of 40 members, but rapidly grew due to being s0's jr clan(top 5 pure clan back then), now with leaders of s0 being with Sp and establishing new order.

The clan would begin fast and rise quickly, but it's meaning and atmosphere to engulfed by many new people to come, and face early troubles, yet remaining powerful paper wise

Inactivity had struck clan, and suggestions board was perhaps the most active at the time, myself and e x t e n t attempting to fight for a better clan order, and trying to give ideas, which i believe were a given or old clan standards which that should have been followed on how clan should be layed out, but no response and the clan was in a quiet and suspensful state, as leaders were not heard from for about 2 weeks

However, a few remarkable soon to be important members applied, such as Sir pker wil, o0 n33b o0, M4g3r Ownage and Ibugppl are quickly accepted

At this point in time, not a single leader, not a single changed occured, however, we still managed to pull off a few events, as they began without aid, then a post was made by myself, a simple attempt to collect most active members in the clan who were siimply fed up of the waiting; A plan that would help keep the community intact, that 1st began as a close friends thing, we named a small group of 'elite' pkers ko squad, soon every1 wanted to partake in it

But this small idea was quickly extinguished by the retruning leaders, Drunkinabox(Alchemist229's new account) and 19purepker91(rangerbob26's new account) as they quickly announced changes, such as new clan officials was to be voted on upon by the members itself. In turn that immediatly brought a obvious note of the future, and predicted a struggle for the control of the rising empire

The news yet had a positive effect, and caused a immdiate flip from inactive to active, and everyone now with the desire of control, with ofcourse, the obvious intentions and actions granting so. And the overall strength of the clan was well built with about 100 members

3 hit u pure had made an annoucnement of his inactivity, however, seemed to have little effect

Then a few days later, the grand poll everyone seemed to be anxious about, was created, and 15 candidates for leadership and other positions(whom i cannot name accuratly due to memory)

After a week of suspense, Extent and myself were voted to be leaders of the clan and new highcouncils to be Tiger pk and Obtrude

But, myself feeling very uncomfortbale with the plundering community, as many flame wars began in the level populated irc chat, the atmosphere in the clan, i could bare no more, and aswell as Extent, a short lived decision was made

The poll was then taken back as the next event occured

"My resignment"

The day before the poll and the decidement of who was going to be new leader of sp was made...

I had left the clan with Extent to make a new one, named Fatal Pures(Extent had led this clan before but closed down)

Myself being enthuisastic about the idea but seeing extent being a bit inactive, either way the idea was still on, and extent recovered old forums and 1 lama str i(blizz69x ex-hc of op) was leader of it 'unoffically'

We had planned on taking and recruitng the best members and good friends to the clan, but soon the idea quickly died, as Extent had been out for a week and myself being confused, realized I had to return to Sp, but then extent had returned from his inactivity to say that he was getting defense and wanted to me to take over, but I declined having decided my home was to be Sp, persuaded by the new friends I had discovered.

Mid March 2006

In my absence(Applications were closed)Sp's 1st war was allied, and the war was against The Pures and whom we were to fight with was with our current allies at the time Erruption of Pures, as we prepared alot for a week, both clans together had pulled about 100+ people and Tp pulling about 60 people, being outleveled and outskilled, Tp walked away with about 10 people left (during the war a main clan named deathrow crashed, but wouldnt have caused a large impact on the outcome of war as they pulled away quickly) this was a confidence boosting seeing the opportunity to almost defeat Tp who was top 5 pure clan at the time

Sp's Growth

As I had applied back into Sp after the war, i was accepted with people welcoming back, and the grand poll was re-made since the other wasnt called off

As the poll was over and member's given a week to vote, Obtrude and B o o m 3 r were selected as new leaders who had led and make good pking events and active forum posters, Zeacar and Chaldo pure1 becoming co-leaders, now that the clan had new leaders, pk trips and events had gone more succesful and acitvity was greater than ever

Yet holding on to that fateful prediction, the clan eventaully became large with about 130 members, many were active, however, community was clumped and perhaps cliques were formed, like tribe's in a single country, few flame wars occured, but nothing too spectacular to note

Desctructive Rankings

As i seen it, the fight for control would begin

As the clan had grown better expanded, new people had joined the clan and would cause seperation and a civil war would occur, announcements were made and ranks and more poistions had been given from the returned 3 hit u pure to people in s0 to come into Sp to lead and be officials

B o 0 m 3 r, noone knowing, except probably myself, had promoted or given ranks to a few ungrateful, obvious people, however, some were not to my own judgement but some goes as follows: Mager owange became moderator, persian pure his brother p3rsian pure, became mods, queen da imp, a mod; Rangez4magez, highcouncil, and liek pmgz, highcouncil. All whom had joined the current officials, which included myself and m4n 1n sk1rt who were highcouncils which was too many for a clan...

A few days had passed, and I was outraged to discover 7 leaders(3 from s0, and 4 from Sp) and about 8 moderators and 11 high council as i was still a regular member and only could be but ignored, mas arguements and flame wars would errupt for the struggle for control, members could only tolerate since power was high with numbers in str and large pking events making the clan succesful than ever, but community lacked which some of us had attempted to bring back in and would start a war

Sp vs Sp

Myself now being promoted to warlord, because of leading many succesful trips and skills in the wild, i had tried to now make the clan more stable with some council whom could only agree with me, who were friends aswell in our clumped atmosphere, with the now even more members coming into the clan it prooved difficult.

A week after being promoted to warlord and trying to keep order, an event had happned, a pk trip, which would start something i would consider ironic yet toleratable. On a regular old sunday pking event, massing about 90 options, thought it was going to run very smooth. As the trip began, I thought i'd put a small twist in it, as we reached gds, with a few impatient members, a "boxed deathmarch" tactic was to be practiced.

However, as I explained so,i heard majority beng stubborn and reluctant about it, so i had to act quick, yet still no avail. It was until then, a s0 member Pur3st pk r had undecidely wanted to take charge of the pk trip, seeing this reacting, i furiously reacted at this act of mutiny and so we began arguing as i led the trip, but then the clan was split in 2, and to my surprise found many people following some, and most on me. I honestly did want to actually kill them for that, yet was calmed down by Tiger pk who then i decided to leave charge of the ruined event as I logged back on our forums to explain the situation

A few minutes later, a topic was made on me on the "report/complaint" section of the forums at the time, and making exucses up and ignorantly instigating flames, and me and other members failed to side with persian pure and his brother pur3st pk r, and saw who was the real guilty, and i had closed the topic and would end the fued, days later, the persian brothers and pure pk r(booted from s0) left Sp to make a new clan named legendary pures but died shortly. At this point of time i really believe it was a event that almost tore the clan in 2, as i had expected

Myself now being high council of Sp, i wished to take more charge in keeping members together and being more serious as a clan, and i had been able to convince leaders that there were too many people in 1 position, the inactive leaders of s0 were removed, and only 3 leaders were present: 3 hit u pure, boomer and obtrude, and co-leaders being drunkinabox(Alchemist339's new pure) and 19purepker91(rangerbob36's new pure) and my self myself and tiger pk being high-council and moderator m4ger 0wnage, and power abusers were quickly dealt with by me and demoted and even booted, creating a lax time of peace and progress to something bigger


April 2006

With the new clan rule, and many members, reaching an all time high 170 members of the time, we were at the top of our game, getting 50+ people to pk trips(very good at the time) and forum activity boomed, it was time to test that power out in a war which would boost our fame

Sp's 1st Official War

A new clan named Shadow Purez had claimed we copied thier acronym of Sp, and they wanted to declare war on us, a small 10 vs 10 which we laughed at and degraded them, as they grew a little more stronger, they had declared war on us, a 1 week prep full out war, we were very suspicious about this seeing as they had 50 members on thier forums, but we had accepted it nonetheless

We had about 120 people signed up for war, and were preapred more than ever, and as we massed at edge, we had about 240+ options (80+ people) more than any pure clan alone has pulled before at the time and made some history

The day had been April. 15th, as we massed in edge and headed to the wilderness with heads held high and expectations alike,cockiness was amiss

We were charging members gate, and had formed our box we would charge in, and marched to members gate where would begin with spz having about 50+ people with many friends which were against rules, i myself was attacked by dp and killed off quick(which i belive spz were jrs of dp and invited them along) as the war ended, sp had about 20 people remaining and mainly scattered, a video was made with proof of cheating and victory ( i cant find it if sum1 would it would be aprecciated)

And prooved that we were a force to be looked out for even by the top 10 pure clans that existed at the time

A day later, the war was asked to be nulled by Spz, however, Sp refused and took it as a victory, this event wasnt as savored by many, even myself thinking it was a event to happen yet again but in a higher placed status

The Last Battle

A clan named Destined Pures would offer us and our allies Eop a full out war, a 2 vs 1 since they were confident they would win, we were kinda shakey of the decision but accepted the war

A 1 week prep war in which sp and eop combined pull 100+ people to it, as we defended, we waited and waited for Dp to arrive and begin the war, after roughly 45 minutes being dd'ed at members gate...

Dp were a no show, and would be disgraced that day for not showing to a war declared by them at all..it was quite a good/bad feeling for me since dp chickded out the last second

We had eventaully ran into a lvl 100+ clan named rdc, and destroying them with our 300 options

Peace times

After such battles in a short time, we finally stablized and s0 gaining many members from sp, and apps slowing down a bit, things continued but in a much slower pace and not being aggresive as we should have been with our amount of str, regular events had either gone well or bad and community almost reached us, hwoever, doubt and maybe even shame stopped that from happening and preventing a golden age for us

The End of Greatness

As time went on, a unsatisfied 3 hit u pure had thoughts of removing us from s0's place and not being theyr'e jr clan any longer, and had not seen our skill fully and thought we were going to crumble and perhaps s0's recruiting from sp idea had been fulfilled and use for us was lost, and not knowing clearly why we were gonna be split apart and Drunkinabox as leader getting info from 3hit and other s0 leaders thinking of dropping us

Then, a poll was made, whether or not, we wanted to be supreme ownage's jr clan, a week was given, and the results were in and showed that about 75% people wanted to go solo

But then days later 3 hit u pure and other leaders made it official, we were no longer s0's junior clan.(I was made co-leader just a few days before)

We were in a state of spread and didnt know what to do, someone of thinking to make a new clan in which would change the entire clan for life

3 hit u pure was root admin of our forums, and we could not stay there since he still had that much control over the forums

Th3 head, the clan's high-council would then tell me he would create a new clan for Sp, i thought it was a great idea and would begin what we are now, yet that thought of looking back struck me as i realized this

Sacred Pures..an empire acheving many things despite it's levels, yet lacking the meaning of a clan, and a clan whom everyone had an enemy, where all posts were made, perhaps creating a fencing over one another, a clan who had always been at war with itself, yet able to function, gave new meaning to the word: Forgiveness

Yet another new Era

May 1st, 2006

Still being together in our Sp forums, we were to vote on a new name, some were rather cliche, such as death pures and what not, but Corrupt Pures was voted on, meaning rebellion and going solo and going from sacred to corrupt suited the name quite well in my opinion

Th3 head had told me about the new forums made, i decided to help him and was given admin access, so that night we both re-created forums and waited for the next day to announce the move

A few days later, Supreme Ownage had closed down for reasons unknown to me as being number 1, even though they had dropped us, we gave them our thanks for thier role in our future

Now with a new clan, leaders being Drunkinabox, Th3 head, Sn33k out (B00mer's new pure) and obtrude also myself and 19purepker91 being co-leaders, it was time for a good start

The announcement was made on the old sp forums of the move, and every quickly came to this 1 and over 40 applications in 1 day we were looking for a great start

By this time now, our forums were intact, and another jump-start, in which we knew, this was it, this is how we were to stay; Having 50 members and good forum activity, a final generation, with hopes of becoming a clan power house, pride was

During our beginning, cp had also attended a pure for all free for all war, in which we were invited to battle other pure clans, as in our weak and early state, we did well, bringing about 25 people, many of us had a good time and saw good cordination of the event hosted by tp

The Lower Highest

As we got back on our feet very quickly, it was time for some pk trips, and many of those had about 25+ people unofficial and official alike, now we were owning main clans/teams like ni improving our skill ever better

Somewhat a week later, after a trip with our allies Erruption of pures, leaders of eop came into our forums and announced we were no longer allies and sparked a mutual rivarly with eachother

Then that very weekend, cp had a regular pk trip event, soon meeting up with a clan named Hybrid Pures as we were logging into our server, we quickly battled them then decimated them, thier leader had offered me a mini-war, but on diffrent terms than a usual mini-war, we were to wait at greaters for 30 min, whilst having 5 minutes to prepare while they had 30, being confident with our 45 options, waited for hp to arrive with thier 25 people, knowing this i had thoughts of loss, but then as the fight ended soon, we came ontop with 7 members remaining, giving way for a morale boost being outnumbered, but not outclassed

Our current moral was high and assuring and confident

Board Hackings

May 15, 2006

2 Weeks after our phenominal comeback, we were shot down, by our very own leader at the time, sn33k 0ut(b 0 0 m 3r), had admin access and deleted forums and removed names and finally attempted to delete th3 head who was root admin, but the board control isntantly ip banned sn33k out since he could not ban a root admin, but th3 head(who had irl issues then) cameback and quickly recovered forums, our morale was struck down badly hence by...

The partially returned th3 had promoted people in which he believed would attain the clan well until his full return, these new leaders would be Real K 0, Tele Or Pray, I D4nte I(Along with Drunkinabox and Obtrude whom were already leaders) with 19purepker being91 and myself being coleaders, and luke b0nd, liek pmgz, and m4n 1n skirt being high-council


A few 2 weeks after the board hackings, it would prove a time in which we would continue to stay strong, and maybe even launch us? We would be war hungry, as co-leader i declared on countless clans and mini-wars everyday to many clans(including most of top pure clans) but all to be declined and being desperate for a battle i decided to give up and that feeling slowly wasted away from us

This short lived high point, brought boredeom to us as i found circumstances to be ironic, yet felt positive about the whle thing later, but was brought down to by the next few week

By this time, more remarkable members joined: Pen0r inc, I da magerz, xx 0men xx, Semi monk, and Shexy bundle of twigsex soon find themselves in here as members.

I Da Magerz would soon become a Warlord, and one of the most active posters in CP. He would later be known as Wizyranger, and to this day, he contributes significantly.


Late May 2006

The dreadful snowball effect, as you may have guessed, we were in a state of trouble, and low morale, it was never caused by a spontanous event, time had been the main factor, boredom gloomed over the clan, frowning at it, people had decided to simply move on..

Boredeom as in, other clans were quiet and never really looked for a fight, people became bored since we had noone to battle in our tier, and either got defense or had joined stronger clans

Levels conflicted whenever we pked in the giants area, too strong or too weak we were not able to help eachother in battles too well and those people had left the clan aswell

Stats had been the main problem, a factor we could not master, and perhaps thought would tear us apart, however we ignored it and continued in our slow paced

But then after the mass leaves, it suddenly stopped, and were down many members, but suddenly discovered our loyal members, and as co-leader had plans for the future

It was time for some promotions and people who proved loyal and active had been been made into warlords and moderators, so council and i promoted: I Tobbe i, Sir pker wil, Pen0r inc and Aqua night14, since it would sustain the clan much better in the period the clan is going through

Members have left and now had about 50 members, and the weakest top 10 pure clan on paper(stat wise)

Luring Trend

Although Cp cannot take full credit of such a pking genious tactic, however we seemed to have revived this trend, but a 1st in the pure history, the art of castle luring ,me and few others thought of the idea of this, and we made it happen, we would have mass lures and people would see a barrage of fireblasts coming at them as they chased our lurer in wizzy gold armor, with about 10+ kills per world, and millions stolen(perhaps made people quit) we were quite the experts on this new trend and would have clans copy its techinique, heres a personal video of some lures in 1 day:


It was a great way to build our community and build friendships, it was gold and fun for a time, until people started copying us and more people became aware and luring in f2p slowly became a bad idea

The Final Order

Eventaully, Th3 head, the clan's leader stepped down as leader, too soon as he came back from real life inactivity, after an argument of the irc chat, on curse words, which would be right to say, he decided to leave cp, and will turn the clan completely around

Th3 head gave me leadership rank, and now I was made the leader of the clan and saw a new light for us and change the clan forever

I took it boldly, and felt a sense of duty, as the members treated me the same, as if i had been leading the entire time, and had assured confidence that things would be made right. We had waved him farewell, and wished his return was less chaotic

Eventaully also, Pen0r inc stepped down as warlord and left the clan aswell

This seemed normal for us at the time, as we were going more into exile but building stronger community with our loyals, whom now i cant call just members but friends

Friends who will eventaully turn into family, as we had a small base, whom I focused on and hoped for best for them

A spec of light

Now with these many members, i had hope, and we were increased in community, and now we wanted to proove that we were still alive and kicking some how, and only way to do so was a war, Against All Odds, had declared a 20 vs 20 with us, but i saw an opportunity for a war, and declared a 1-day prep war, and it was accepted

We gathered the next day having 25 people signed up for the war forums wise, being confident in those numbers, something would make me more excited

As i walked to the varrock church, i had stepped in only to see 40+ people to the war, which was astounding to me and was never prouder, as the war took place at members gate, we had been crashed but stood strong and regrouped, then found a new war location above giants, and battled aao there, them having 25+ people, we made it seem like 5 people and quickly slaughtered them in less than minute, but much to my surprise, found no cheating and gave respect and a good fight to them as we marched to bank

Link to Vidoes (both diffrent vidders)


June 2006


As time went on, and now being leader of the clan, seeing our falling levels and myself being a strong beliver of quality, decided to change our requirements, i made them much stricter applications and changed requirements stat wise to 75+ str/mage/range, much deeper explained in this topic:


Some time later, i had written a plan, a somewhat do or die thing from my perspective, since the clan had alot of hope, recieving just about every1's reply to a topic i made on this plan to promote the clan, to this day not carried out

However, our reputation was still not known by many, but sometimes represented in a negative way, whether we crashed a battle or not, we defenitly looked to creating one

Summer Blues

It would be a time i think we would grow and gain alot of strength from the activity that i been ready for, school was out for many and vacation began, but something would surprise me and make me improvise on the plans for the clan's future

About 2 weeks into summer, and observed about 2 pages of people leaving on vacation or going inactive! Thinking to myself on what to do, looked to my officials for answers but the only option that came up was to wait, recruiting went small and soon lost our agressiveness but another snowball effect was inetivable

Unofficial Mass Recruitment

I dont believe this event to be too clan shifting, however, a clan named Insane Pures led by S i g n al would offer us a merge, but as leader i obviously declined it, since it was compeltely wrong; However i had offered the 15 remaning actives of Ip to join Cp. Few thoughts and moments, terms would be agreed on, and about 10 Ip members joined the clan and were semi-active aswell

As few days went on, signal had gone inactive, and some of those Ex-Ip members gone inactive or quit the clan; But 1 remained, and thought to be another key member named Rang3 Spell who was the co-leader of Ip, and prooved to be helpful and reliable

A few days later of the occurence, such a idea never lasted too long, and our decline in activity continued

Thinking and thinking, I had came up with a re-building plan, a activity check along with a manditory pk trip, with about 40 ppl signed up for it, i had been glad because i had alot of trust in the clan members and friends alike

That very weekend, about 29 people showed up for the pk event, was kinda dissapointing and felt a doubter, but the goodness of and how well we fought against random teams outlved heavily but never unskilled, we managed to clear them quickly and enjoyed quite a day of ownage and showed me we still had hope and was still proud of us of how we performed

Applications were closed for 2 weeks, to increase community and concentrate and even wait to become active again as we were conservative through out the summer and quiet being as we calmed down a bit and relaxed from pure clan rankings

During this rough time we were declared war yet again by Against all odds, having some doubt and trying to get us a good prep time and war time, the times seemed to have have suited both clans as they were agreed on

Our sign up list brung some confidence as we had about 40 posts on that topic, but underestamiting aao's members list and alot of mistakes made how they performed, things would surprise us as we battled on

We massed the day of the war with about 33 people, and stood strong, but was quite surprised on aao's turn out with 40 people, minor diffulculties such as main clans lurking around our war worlds and waiting on some late comers, the official battle began 30 min after

As we were dd'ed east of chaos dwaves, aao stalled a bit and eventaully aao charged at us ranger j, aao leader being 1hit the battle began and as i died early, suspensful in lumbridge along with a handful of cp members, victory was called as aao was cleared out and reamained proudly with about 50 options left , but aao had given an unexpected effort as a flame free war we congratuled eachother and gave our thanks for the fair and good fight

However, this battle would not end with the clan, but it prooved we still lived on, no matter who left or who came in, our skill as one was at a new high, making obvious comparions from since our birth, i'd defenitly say, were going to be something

As the summer ended, so did it's blues, and making our way back into what we were, in a more peaceful controlled method

August 2006

By this time, school had began, causing a few people to go inactive, however, we had some returners from thier long vacations, but still, we hadn't been active as much as we could have, having limited time during weekdays, things had been slower than ever

With about 60 members, we had suddently eased in, by circumstance, into the pure community, with the aid of a clan which wont be newly mentioned or unknown at this point

Late August 2006

Rivarly or Practice?

By this time, we had thought our old opponents AAO were pretty much stomped on and not to be battling again for a time, however, not knowing this ourselves, aao seemed to have been fueled by this. And you guessed it, Cp and Aao had it's many battles

By the beginning of school, Aao and Cp had it's many run ins, particulary in this month...

Most battles i can note and describe as target practice..however odd it may seem saying this, we couldnt stop fighitng eachother, ofcourse Cp always outorganizing Aao, in decided battles which lasted virtually seconds..Even during a week it was a all daily thing and run in after run in, were were pretty much bored and fed up with fighting this clan

And in turn, flame wars would begin, Aao and Cp flaming eachother now, and us gloating over easy victories; Yet they stood strong and continued battling us, slaughter after slaughter, always coming on top.

A good fight i can mention was a late night run-in, as we massed up 90 options to battle about 90 options of Aao, as we charged them, it would proove to be a fast battle, however realizing a new high for us and night time daily wars, still losing little due to our good organization we developed by fighting so..

Link to war: http://media.putfile.com/Cp-vs-Aao

Then it was, Cp had prooved itself against Aao, yet themselves denying it, and soon scrambled around looking for light, and soon found themselves seizing a good decision to most likely put themselves higher than we were

September 2006

Aao and Insane Pures had merged to form Rising Owange; Myself scoffing at the fact they would go to such limits to get 1 over us, but on Sept 1st, was prooved them to be wrong again

On a regular old weekday, Ro asked Cp for a mini-war, we gladly accepted, with about 60 opts on both sides, the war took place, and i must say our performance was very bad and shocked to even know how we won..

Video of war: http://rapidshare.co..._Vs_Ro.wmv.html

We managed to pull the win and still proove a merge couldnt take us down, and in a week later Ro would, you guessed right again, split up back to thier former selves due to "inter-clan struggle", and Ip closed down

Eventually, Cp being bored of battling aao, the rivarly or collision as i can call it, soothed down, and soon no more...

Mid-September 2006

At this time, our requirements had been raised to 81+ stat and 58+ combat, and defenitly moving at a quicker pace than expected; I da magerz(Now known as M4n 1n Sk1rt as original owner sold it to him) becoming warlord and M4g3r Ownage becoming co-leader of Cp.

Corrupt Pures New Generation

Late September 2006

This month prooved to be a grand jump toward finalizing and seizing grand opportunites to become known, as we were up to 70 members and finally somehow set the motion of becoming better than ever

With a few new generation members, and with alot of pressuring to become organized as we can be, we found ourselves warring clans twice our lvls and alike we had become triumphant in aswell

On September 23rd, we had long awaited for a main clan to war, and on this day warred the clan named Chaos Warriors; With a 40 man sign up list ibelive it was time for glory and to savor all the opportuinites missed in the past months

On this grand saturday occasion we managed to pull 150 options to the war, may it have been luck or sheer new found commitment, we awaited our opponents in a deathdot and found ourselves in a 7 min battle against them and quickly cleared them

And morale was launched to a new high, our organzaition I knew will continue to become more powerful; not gaining too ahead of myself, I decided to have a new goal, perhaps a new crusade against the mains...

Vid of Cwc war:

Yet another week flew past, and persued this crusade and goal with another clan war against main clan, named Brotherhood of Honor and Pride, and yet against them pulling 120 options in this 2 day notice occasion, we decimated and sealed our confidence and perhaps not letting go

Vid of Bhp war:


About the same time, we soon found ourselves fighting along side with Fatality, a clan who had been ressurected months before from the former Supreme Owange clan; However myself not knowing how this little friendly interaction began, but i think it rocked the earth and on late summer dates, we would team up and awake a force that brought fear in many and hatred by all

We would soon encounter old and many clans alike soon running into us, and yet to be destroyed quickly as i can type it, to mid-october, the Ci events would never have any challenge that it cant of taken on, and yet since, became good friends and attained mutual respect for eachother

Some good notable battles recoreded would be shown as follows:

http://media.putfile.com/Ci-vs-Dp--Aao (Ci vs Dp+Aao)
(Ci vs Foe)
http://d.turboupload...I10-13.wmv.html (Ci vs Aao and randoms)

October 2006

By this point in time, we defenitly were finally matching up hand in hand with the top pure clans, and so the desires and hopes would be fulfilled by few remainers of the older generation, however the new enjoyed it faced on but both and as one, the clan was at it's highest point since it's existance

We eventually battled clans our tier now such as Foe and Fatlity, and coming up very close we managed to proove we still got the touch despite being away from pure clans in that month as our crusade abrubpltly ended seeing as we were too powerful for such main clans that we can battle in our members size

November 2006

Later on, our old enemy and rival Eop was revived, however, we became mutual friends through the ties of Fi, Eop bounced back quick and made quite a surprise

By this time, we had defeated Eop in a pk run-in and then a mini-war afterwards. However, Eop's officials approached us with a full out war offer, with them having many numbers, we reluctantly accepted

The day was it, late november chills and jitters made the day, Eop and Cp were finally prepared for war, in the battle of ice and fire both clans were evenly matched in every way possible

However, with both clans begining the war at 120 options each, Cp finally became the victor in a short matter of time, and we bade Eop good luck with thier return and the clan world was finally thankful and at peace for an old rival war to have occurred


These days passed by slow, with the whole package of Fi and Cp pking together, things remained dominant and active in the wilderness as we defeated many foes who were alike and stomped on the temporary alliances such as Bp+aao+ko and dp+mm

December 2006

The days grew closer to our day of birth and we have finally achieved a place in everyones minds, the fame, the power and the luxury of being a real contender flourished in this small Corrupt pures clan

In an attempt to expand our reputation we began battling many a clan, even taking daring wars of 1 vs 2s, and finishing off our old enemies

The finale of a historic year was coming to a close, and we decided to make that last big push before we made our resolutions. We declared a mini-war against Fatality for a New years day brawl.

The day was it again, that time couldnt have been more prime or significant, as we took our 120 options charging to Fi whom had 90, and in a few minutes, a grand upset was made, and all things came clear that we were here to stay as a clan, and we were the victors in this day of new beginnings. We humbly gave our graces and thanks to Fatality and the new year hour rung and it was all time to return to our real duties.


Keeping in mind this year i slept, remembering how we got here, realizing this was destiny and that everything kept me from being in this clan and finally leading it.

This was a year of trial and test of the sacred human qualities which unfolded in this year of Corrupt pures history

End of year 1

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