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Ascent's Wednesday FT: OB, RP, and F2P Hybrids


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Started off today setting up a pkri vs rampage at ghost hut, Massed 20, peaked at 23. Was lots of fun besides the tanks and f2phybrids trying to crash, but after few moments it began to cycle out into a crash war between the 3 clans. With each clan gaining momentum back and forth we kept hitting the first clan we saw but focusing F2P's 10 man just cause we were the ones they always picked to snipe first tonight Image[http://ascent-rs.com/uploads/emoticons/sad.png] blocked. Upload At Approved hosts. Went on for about an hour, then Rampage ended, and we got our last fight vs Outburst knowing they hold the top title spot for xlpc at the moment we were eager to test our abilities and did just that. Hung in actually having the upper hand majority of the fight until the end where Outbursts returners completely smoked our edge recruits. None the less lots of practice and improvement from our side glad to have every Ascentian in the community today.





Gf's to



ATL puffed earlier like 5x's again








Sebastian's POV (Srry quality is bad lmao. usin hypercam loll i'm bad)

(also lost logs bc i'm fat) - Sebastian


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