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the problem with rd


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So rd has some things to offer and a lot of problems. The one thing they have a point about is that people don't have action like they did before eoc. Granted the game is boring as fuck but if you got a pure clan world you should take advantage of it before its over.



The problem with rd is their ranks/members. The ranks seem to want consistent action which is ok except they continue to prep clans after they beat them. Once they beat eop they allowed them to come back and anal carrot them by prepping them again same with the other clans. They don't seem to see they could have had the undisputed matched clan but their ranks are to broccolied to know when to stop. The problem with the members are that they are brainwashed into thinking they are good. they aren't if mm were still open rd would lose every round vs them.



The thing is that this clan causes a lot of problems that hurts themselves. If they had the correct leadership (not talking about calling but actual leadership) they would be able to move forward and be a top clan using momentum. But they don't seem to know how to use momentum and move forward they just seem to know how to stay stable.



Clans like eop/zu/fi/cp are more successful due to the leadership knowing when to walk away from a fight, RD seems to just stand in the wild and return till they die and let other clans come in. I understand action is action but no one experienced will find rd attractive until they know when to prep, and when to walk away from a battle.

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