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Im cb 85 and attent both mpc and lpc trips on this account. Im fine with it being the way it is but i admit that trauma, cv,imp and olympus arent lpc.

Chaotic, remedy etc are the lpcs now

I think the solution is an MPC scene 60-85 or 90 cb. PKing at the same times as HPC clans to prevent multi clanning. Only a few clans will be able to move up of course ;p

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I think the solution is an MPC scene 60-85 or 90 cb. PKing at the same times as HPC clans to prevent multi clanning. Only a few clans will be able to move up of course ;p

Why would any clan want to move up right now? To have their 30 v 30 or 40 v 40 fights crashed by Fo, Eop, Fi etc all pulling 60s

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Why would any clan want to move up right now? To have their 30 v 30 or 40 v 40 fights crashed by Fo, Eop, Fi etc all pulling 60s

11 F2P worlds & dozens of places to fight. Figure it out and/or stop fighting at sperm hill every time you set up a fight? Also Foe would most likely be pre occupied hitting other HPC clans.

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11 F2P worlds & dozens of places to fight. Figure it out and/or stop fighting at sperm hill every time you set up a fight? Also Foe would most likely be pre occupied hitting other HPC clans.

With world trackers and scouts fights aren't hard to find. And that is a lovely concept but foe crashes any fight they can and have been since they reopened

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Srry, we were all already MPC just no clan admit it besides us. Imperial started taking Supremacy to compete, who ended up taking mithlords. We only replied.


I'm not saying it was a bad thing, I just believe it was far too rushed. But I can see it from your point of view, to deal with Sup you had to raise the CB cap and in turn made Imperial do the same.

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The root of the problem is the whole Imperial/Trauma rivalry. Everyone knew combat caps would eventually rise, and they did. Then Trauma and Imperial started getting into it, and both began to push the limits to get an edge on the other. Eventually the combat cap hit 80, higher than I ever expected it to climb in such a short span of time, and finally both Trauma and Imperial threw combat caps and 1 defence gear out the window and Trauma officially declared themselves an MPC. Conviction reopening has only made things worse due to the influx of addy daddys to go with the mithlords. Olympus is having to train like motherfuckers to deal with this bullbrown sticky stuff (we only allow 1 defence gear on trips and have very few members who even have defence), Remedy can't compete with the bullbrown sticky stuff, Curse went out as a snipe unit last weekend instead of dealing with the bullbrown sticky stuff. The newer LPCs are still untrained and don't have to deal with the bullbrown sticky stuff, and for the most part it seems that they've avoided the cancer for now. 


In my honest opinion, the current LPC scene consists of Olympus, Curse, and Remedy with the new clans Chaotic, Tier 1, and AAO. Trauma is already officially MPC but come out our times because they are 80% multiclanners. Imperial is, for all intents and purposes, an MPC now, but come out the same time as Trauma, partially for the same reason as Trauma and partially because they are under the delusion that they are an LPC. Conviction seems to allow whoever wants to come to their trips in whatever armor they happen to have, I'm just waiting for them to allow rune.


The LPC scene is fucked, and it will be until the high 80s-90s def noobs clear the fuck out

Ahhh yes, waking up in the morning and getting a fresh read of somebody talking brown sticky stuff about my clan after we clapped them in a prep the past week. y u mad 

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Ahhh yes, waking up in the morning and getting a fresh read of somebody talking brown sticky stuff about my clan after we clapped them in a prep the past week. y u mad


I go to lpc trips on my 106 crymore bundle of twigsgots

sorry didnt know lpc was 106 combat :o
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- HPC Scene Starts Dieing

- LPC Scene comes back to save it and recruit new nigs

- LPC Scene starts training up 

- LPC Clans are trained to 80 Combat

- LPC's Have a decision to fight each other that is similiar levels or go HPC and fight 100s and get dicked

- LPC Stays same time and fights each othe

- LPC Clan Closes, LPC Clan Closes, LPC Clan Closes

- 2/3 LPC Clans left open, they go HPC


This is what happened last time with ZU/SUP


This is what will happen again.


Good Day.

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Olympus will be the only clan to move up in my opinion.


Trauma / Conviction / Imperial / = The "mains" of the "LPC" community. But will never move up, for obvious reasons.


Choatic, Teir 1, Against all odds & Olympus are the only true LPC's respect to these clans.

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I have a baby pure that's level 80 KYP tomato go back to being irrelevant

do you really think i was talking about you specifically? You must think you're one big piece of brown sticky stuff if you think that. I'm talking about all the eop members you allow to attend you trips and preps. Stolen Claws, "forgotthewordhere" Rae, and a couple others. Please... Learn when to use "Kyp" because right now im above you, where I have always been and always will be.



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do you really think i was talking about you specifically? You must think you're one big piece of brown sticky stuff if you think that. I'm talking about all the eop members you allow to attend you trips and preps. Stolen Claws, "forgotthewordhere" Rae, and a couple others. Please... Learn when to use "Kyp" because right now im above you, where I have always been and always will be.



Next joke please.

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do you really think i was talking about you specifically? You must think you're one big piece of brown sticky stuff if you think that. I'm talking about all the eop members you allow to attend you trips and preps. Stolen Claws, "forgotthewordhere" Rae, and a couple others. Please... Learn when to use "Kyp" because right now im above you, where I have always been and always will be.



ibro man..please tell me your not flaming the boy Glob Mob. :/ you have stooped so low as to feel threatened by one of the nicest nigs out there. Sad to see.

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