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Brief Case

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Everything posted by Brief Case

  1. I'm not control pker fam, garbage ass rookie stick to sucking dick in the wildy like you do.
  2. Daily reminder, Terminal/Venom is the shittest wilderness clan you'll ever fight. 

  3. Fake topic, you ended nobody but yourself. You never cleared Hydra whatsoever idiot, this is why Terminal closed and never used the name again shit clan.
  4. No way a 4ner with no english capability's wrote a topic on behalf of Rage!
  5. You cant compare yourself to me, the best? i don't know about that, your prep record compared to others is still dog shit. You may be #1 in that month, but you'll never be #1 overall. Donkey ass weirdo.
  6. No thanks, Kids only know how to click 2 items and a square.
  7. Never broke little brain, it seems you're still a child, maybe grow up before piping up.
  8. You're a disgrace to Foe, especially from those who've clanned in Foe longer then you. Not surprised the current Foe structure chases +1's in 2021.
  9. You have to understand what's happening while this is being "thought of". The only way they make this as successful as you may see it, is if they put a DMM reward attached to it. The new clanning system is horrible, go read it yourself, do you think a "hub" will help clans grow in a game that's not balanced? they have no solution for BH, they have no solution for revs and they have no pvp updates. I rest my case, but the only thing the "hub" will do is increase leaks in clans and therefore your Sunday climate will remain crash on crash on crash. I'm playing the devil in this case, but i'm actually being very forward and realistic as this is what they've proven this far, failure.
  10. Great topic, but you hit your last fight with 18, and end with 18. You did not end with 25 but good try.
  11. Fake news, JS tripled your pull and you did nothing.
  12. The "pure" community violates rules on a daily basis, there's no way a successful J cup will ever come to terms with this community. Good luck but the game is dead fam and people moved on. I'd like to see 4 clans who can pull 99 with needing to aid eachother.
  13. I won't infringe on the intel, but its all facts. This is probably the only place you'll actually be on accounts lower then 25 defence.
  14. You banned 8 people after pulling 22, you tell me?
  15. You're losing wilderness encounters to jumpstreet, go ban more kids.
  16. Can't remember the last time i seen clans only using pures in the wilderness. Mind as well make this site a main community.

    1. Asap


       here you go

  17. Rage in singles? Ya'll look free as fuck and bolt ragging at it's finest. Expected from low IQ qweefers.
  18. LY is dogshit, i'm not even in a clan and i know this.
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