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Everything posted by Pigwrestler7

  1. Trying to stay relevant after your weekend's performance I see. Gotta boost the morale of your broccolied members somehow.
  2. What are your pictures even trying to show lmfao. By the looks of it you somehow even managed to get cleared by fi at fog...
  3. Ahh, that awful leadership did some damage to EoP back in the day. I guess that says something about their leadership at the time I guess.
  4. Bye lmfao A win for tlp will actually be a win for EoP now considering that's where your clan will end up.
  5. If a win for tlp is a win for EoP. Is a loss for tlp a loss for EoP? @@Cronic ?
  6. Too bad none of the aforementioned clans can fucking pull on weekends.
  7. Looks like a contest of who has less of a life. Obviously EoP would win at that.
  8. Where did I say you were main clans? All I'm suggesting is there's no point in bringing mains to a friendly pkri between clans that have nothing against eachother. EoP and Tlp are clearly quite close, if either side brought mains it would be obvious who it was, rather than in the fuck fest that is the weekend where every man and his dog is present and nobody has any idea whose main is whose.
  9. Comparing a midweek to a weekend trip might be your first problem. The second that tlp and EoP are best buddies so why would they bring mains for a clean fight?
  10. Are you seriously trying to suggest that because they didn't crash your fight that they are a dead/brown sticky stuff clan? How the fuck do people still manage to complain about a clean fight?
  11. Haha. Your clan is doing well in a brown sticky stuffty, flawed tournament.
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