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Everything posted by Pigwrestler7

  1. EoP is just as broccolied as foe for trying to claim it as a win. You retards act like 5 year olds it's brilliant
  2. In other words, is Rage #1 after beating aao once? This is just hypothetical right?
  3. OP and CD are both cancer in terms of mains and def.
  4. Both of you are embarrassing excuses for PURE clans. Why does an MPC even need addy? You guys are fucking disgusting.
  5. Very strong considering control closed and redemption is open? I mean I could go onto our win-to-loss ratio against redemption but I wouldn't want to make you anymore autistic than you already are.
  6. Baha, solid analogy you uneducated hick. Well done answering the first question though, you must be really loved by ex-nemesis members xx
  7. Our site and TS is still probably more active than yours. Manage to improve upon that 5-10 members looking at your forums per day since 2014/2015?
  8. Name names, please. Stop throwing the word scum around as well, you're so mad when it was your fault they were scum in the first place.
  9. No doubt you have pictures of all 62 clan members in a TS channel right?
  10. But the thing is no one from control v1 even liked you in the end?
  11. Ford loves you? A clan you solely founded/LED? Your head is so far up your ass it's unbelievable. The amount of people that went from Nemesis to Olympus (like 4?) shows how well you led that clan and how loved you were haha.
  12. So, are we talking about SV and EoP? I'd love to see either of those clans clean up their acts.
  13. You are really annoying on this site. I still don't understand what happened to you..
  14. Back in the day you were irrelevant and you're still irrelevant now. Not much changes I guess heh?
  15. Holy brown sticky stuff look at those xp drops
  16. I don't play lmfao, what a waste of an essay I'm not even going to read.
  17. Yep. Back in the day you guys were always an easy win.
  18. Your vidder spent more time in falador than he did at GDZ - returning for an hour straight and being run round GDZ the whole time, whilst down 20-30 and even 50 towards the end, just shows how awful your quality is.
  19. I currently don't and haven't clanned for a while so I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just your average unbiased spectator, observing how nothing has changed with RD.
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