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    Clearing Critical Brain Damage on the reg. Also Fuck bitches and get money.
    Get A Binds

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  1. kinda funny how you can clearly see people in rage capes in that photo if u zoom in. nice try lmfao shit propoganda
  2. was ez, dead bird clan cant compete. tell fudog thanks for the enchanted sets lmfao
  3. this kid needs a buffer screen infront of his face so his monitor isnt covered in spit jesus christ.
  4. isnt that picture from sparcmacs video l0l :/ broccoli sad when u lose your last pair of claws to singles l0l
  5. imagine being a 1 server clan. l0l im gonna close your clan 1 black salamander breathe at a time. you fat cheeto fingered broccoli. enjoy getting camped every trip l0000000000000000000l
  6. how dare u delete this master piece i worked hard on this. the rank structure is superb.
  7. deleting a new clan saying they are opening? tf. #corruptstaff
  8. The Grizzly Bears are back! We are here to bring the pure community back to life, bringing Honor and integrity with every step we make! Rage is known to have a friendly and family-like community, which you can be a part of too. Rage competes with many clans, and hosts tonnes of events throughout the week; including our official weekend trips, unofficial pay-to-play trips, clan wars events, boss masses, and group questing events. Rage strives to be the best and fulfil the great potential of all our members. www.rage-rs.org rage.tserverhq.com #clanrage "Clan Rage" To join you must fulfil certain requirements, these are the base skill requirements:- Get A Bind Tetova Get A Bind RD Shawn Horzion Bvg Salso
  9. didnt the bee men make a topic yesterday doing the same thing? i breathe fire on your clan i destory your hive and make you homeless bees. come at me <3 -guy who rags you with black salamanders
  10. stop circling my account before u get a black salamander to the dome.
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