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Everything posted by Unreal

  1. u can't really flame someones ex clan when ur in some level 60s clan led by dutch no namers
  2. anyone remember when we leaked rage leaderboards
  3. woah that is so much money my dude i wish my clan made that much money ..
  4. wow that is so much money i wish my clan made money ..
  5. any1 seen treehuggers sotd/ags
  6. dutch people shouldnt be allowed to post topics
  7. zu stands for [r]etard [a]ussies

  8. mayhem r like mpc lvls lol easy for tlp
  9. yo @Andre how mad are u that some loser named malc got auto council while you've been slaving away in zu v10 for months and are still like elite LMFAO

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kevv


      u started clanning after zu closed tbh lol

    3. Kanicus


      Besides he's a rank so this kind of backfired.

    4. Kanicus


      Everyone's a rank, you should know this by now pleb.

  10. none of your clans ever left pservers or were even good on them for that matter
  11. yes and i can truthfully say i was a part of the clan, and not put a dead clan in my irc nick unlike you who has a dead and irrelevant clan u were never in as part of ur irc nick lol?
  12. expected vr jrs ts to be pretty awkward still not as bad as d156 and jimmy last sunday
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