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King mrm1

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Everything posted by King mrm1

  1. i don't understand how you can call cd brown sticky stuff when we cleared you and vt north west of sperms, l0l.
  2. ooo that was you with the 1 iteming main at rdg? nonetheless thanks for the scrap
  3. 2 retards from 2 brown sticky stuff clans going at it, nice.
  4. why the fuck would they even go hpc if they can't even compete on the mpc scene.
  5. isn't apex the clan that got closed by aao?
  6. cd went hpc and forced everyone to team against them, cd went out hpc for their birthday and dominated. Doom went hpc and still massive brown sticky stuff like they were as mpc
  7. ty for fight aao, idk why apex members are even talking didn't they go with slaughter? lmfaoo
  8. if you ain't in the purple gang you not getting pussy irl lmgso

    1. keefn


      Couldn't have said it better.

  9. doesn't matter their name all it matters we killed them just like we killed doom lmfaoo
  10. you can't talk brown sticky stuff when you have young thug as your sig, go take a seat tomato.
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