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Everything posted by CalumGFX

  1. Seems pretty sad and evidence is there, until otherwise I will not be offering service to this individual or any clan that accepts him.
  2. Ye, can't wait to see your senior and designer rank removed Don't where that senior rank came from to be honest
  3. Did you just trace this, flip it and add some text? https://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-images-spartan-trojan-silhouette-mascot-sword-image21589499 poor effort. Thanks for posting.
  4. Good job, P2P Mini always looks really fun...
  5. CalumGFX

    eop vs mf 2-0

    p2p minis always look really fun :/
  6. Oh, looks really interesting. Will definitely watch a few.
  7. "cheap but good" Oh yeah, one of those people.
  8. Congratulations to the winners. Regards to artwork, good concept. Seeing progress using experimentation is always great. Just ignore the hate and keep doing what you enjoy Does SB pay any designers to do these awards yet?
  9. CalumGFX

    Forum Theme

    This is cool too Love that class on the ads Shame it wasn't put into a theme, kappa. Sorry
  10. CalumGFX

    Forum Theme

    Can we fix this? The fact that it has an image set into the categories background that doesn't actually repeat or full the entire page is beyond me. Solution: Please, thanks! Just remove that image, change the background color to rgba(0,0,0,0.5); Preview of fix:
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