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Everything posted by R3lv

  1. I heard divine called 1st round yday and prep today l0l so Eop is now 4-1 against foe in lpc era, #1.
  2. idk but looking at recent results I think it's safe to say that Round 1 reflects on EoPs true quality and R2 and 3 just a fluke on Fos part combined with EoP members slacking
  3. gratz foe u almost got perfected in 1st round and still negative record against eop overall so how u gonna disrespec
  4. I see 1 person who is not a new bundle of twigs altus
  5. pathetic no-namer stop making justin beiber topics for attention pls
  6. sorry to break it to u friend but pk videos died in 2k12 you just look like a fool posting them
  7. wow lol fo being perfected by Rage in a round. Never thought id see that
  8. Smh foc u are doing worse in the lpc scene than u were in hpc.. crumble crumble
  9. obviously a clan who is down 25 isn't going to engage in a return fight therefore eop gwasd foe then left the field. Should be pretty obvious lo but I guess u have to hold onto every little kill pic nowadays seeing as u got so demolished in preps and wild over the last 2 weeks
  10. wtf lol? Vids clearly shows Foe losing all fights to Eop damn lol... Lost 2 preps against eop during week and then lose in wild, crumble crumble fo
  11. Since 2008 have I never never witnessed a rank of a clan make a bigger fool of himself. Gratz Divine

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amir


      How disrespectful of him to treat his leader like that, you've got to be quite a pushover to allow someone below you talk to you like that

    3. Acid


      thats right ^^

    4. Kevv


      dw he isnt taken seriously

  12. @@HolyDreams u don't deserve that divine is most hated person in foc why he piping up for? kid is a clown..
  13. if u think this is the same foe it was 3 years ago you're so wrong lol. This is a re-made poop version that doesn't follow any honor code whatsoever and with a leadership filled with clueless rejects. Ez for EoPs golden era
  14. looks like eop still #1 and foc still pretty bad
  15. Fo got gwas'd on their anni crumble crumble..
  16. R3lv


    shut up u are a fat pig irl
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