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Everything posted by ChrisKush

  1. all I see is a fanboy Very proud of a single win.. godbles LOL
  2. avoiding clean action and showing up late to bottom feed LOL tisk tisk n Nice edits
  3. why no ub vs doom bets? hrmmmmm *coughs Uselsss
  4. RIP the drama queens that actually thought and whined about winning a rivalry with fearless after only beating them in one single prep LOL that community went poison Long before this ... RIP
  5. followed by this LOL ... this is what fs did when random mains came to lpc wildy trips and What happened.... Just find another fight or continue to look bad i guess...
  6. gj lol with eop having 30 minutes notice nice action
  7. fs said the same thing back in february LOL was ez to win 30v30 and 50vs50 tyty
  8. fearless#1 lpc never once since opening resorted to auto spamming to help pulls? Quality took it Cheers
  9. 30v30 champs and 50v50 champs what else is there
  10. All Guud @@Fake Smile No need to edit the obvious... Thanks again for the action and competitive fights for march wcotm prestige really worked for it and looked like a promising clan to excel in the scene , sorry to hear it didnt work out.. stay loyal and classy
  11. if you were a clan undefeated in preps like ub and still felt the need to invite doom to ensure a win... looks like desperate uncertainty from a clan that never lost

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