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Everything posted by ruxso

  1. Gl, hope to see you guys stick around.
  2. Massed up 25 shooters for a Monday trip, had a couple clusters with Divine and Excel. Thanks for the clean action guys. @FujiiPOV @ZigPOV
  3. Keep this short and sweet, massed up 45 strong warriors to fight everyone. had good clean 1v1s vs Envy/BT/AP/DV IMT however, claimed for the last 2 weeks we brought mains even though that seemed to not be the case. For the last 3 weeks they've been ragging us constantly every weekend. We've been holding our composure for too long, so we did what we do best. Show why you never rag the FS/NRG community. Every clan got clean action from us except IMT, and it'll continue to be this way until you PM for off retards. @FujiiPOV: @ZigPOV:
  4. Seems like you triggered Tannie and now you're scared.
  5. Discord: https://discord.gg/tUg2Hrj Pm any rank on discord to Join or to make quick $$$ This sunday afternoon, NRG pulled a massive 47 bolt action crazy ninjas to smoke anything in our path. Let's keep this short and sweet, Drunk you're fucking shit, David you're a legit pussy, Sixrings you have 0 wins, IMT xl and tanks will legit not save you. Zigy POV:
  6. Preps are 25v25+ min, this is a big mini.
  7. yeah keep coming up with shit flames when im not even a midget doesn't change the fact apocalypes is apocashit LOL
  8. shit video shit propaganda, on top of that every clip in that video is you down opts and legit losing LOL. No wonder you deleted the message to NRG cause you have legit 0 wins LOL.
  9. Discord: https://discord.gg/tUg2Hrj Pm any rank on discord to Join or to make quick $$$ Smoked Apocashit, I can't really tell who is weighing who down. AC or TP? They both are trash, put your predictions in the comments to tell me your thoughts. @snipergang1k Pov: @@Fujii Pov
  10. Discord: https://discord.gg/tUg2Hrj Pm any rank on discord to Join or to make quick $$$ We fucked imt lol. Your merge is almost as bad as control pker and pkerus shit clan. thanks for the boys who showed up
  11. Your clan is dog shit how do you kill 0 people in a wilderness fight while you're up 3 opts from the start? LOL
  12. owned. I wonder who is holding who down from success, Anonymous or The Plague? They both are trash so i can't really decide.
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