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Everything posted by Bajere

  1. Just watch some of the imperial vs aao videos out there and you'll see some chin pierced bundle of twigsgot be pissed on by 80 warriors
  2. I'm not entirely sure but aao is fucking ded lmfao
  3. Failed propaganda broccoli clan lost to rage lmfao suck my ass tomatos
  4. Can confirm aao will be wearing our cape for months and they lost 2-1 to rage lmfao broccoli clan
  5. I'm pretty sure aao just lost to rage? Can someone confirm

  6. Looks like Olympis opened their mouth and got pissed on again lmfao retards
  7. tl;dr olympiss is brown sticky stuff and this site is biased as fuck and ye im talking to u slushpuppy fgt
  8. Get fucking pissed on olympus brown sticky stuffters lmfao
  9. Congratulations Skoma xd
  10. I hear that olympiss like every other mpc refuses to prep Imperial. Besides rage of course, shoutout to those niggas for having big balls
  11. Wouldn't matter if you failed the dragon spear and didn't spec because you're all mains anyway
  12. Lets not forget that Imperial beat "the #1 clan" 3-0 lmfao broccoli clan
  13. Winning down opts vs brown sticky stuffters and mains(also brown sticky stuffters). No wonder there's not a single mpc willing to prep us

  15. Olympiss and the rest of the cancer mpcs are good at flaming Imperial but even better at ignoring the prep requests.
  16. He was unskulled with blowpipe/ballista and a gmaul. Then I asked him to log and he was mad and skulled on me. I was shaking knowing he is risking blowpipe and specced brown sticky stuffs. Then round two happened and the kid brought mage (blitz lmfao). He wasnt a real brid I took him down with a 46+49 combo.
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