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Everything posted by Seven

  1. Nice one, gl with the sale.
  2. Historically, we have not given bans for some usage of programmable mouse keys (such as AutoHotKey)
  3. Well, the meetup might've been the main reason why we sucked ass last night, lol. As I said, #randomdrunkthoughts by the members of ST, no hard feelings. <3
  4. StrikeTeam massed 12 alpha lions for an irl event last saturday. I'll just post a lil' timeline below: 6.30pm Ex-leader Vaak & I met at the loc, started massing. 6.40pm First beers & occupied couple of tables for us. 6.45pm first members started to show up. 7.00pm started safing irl, tank tests etc. 7.30pm first pages of the notepad (pics below) started to fill ?? Can't remember the rest due to being brown sticky stufffaced. I guess the rest couple of hours went by just discussing general osrs, strategies, clans etc. Some guys left between 11pm-midnight, rest of 'em with high enough agility & magic levels teleported to another pub to play some beerpong n' stuff. It was supposed to be a warmup event for a 3 day long cruise on a ship with 25 ish pull. Was fun, ty. Attend list: Vaak, Seven, Stiilne, Initiate, Narko Ment, Johanzzo, Kert, Cpz, Staja, Karli, Tõnnn. (got tons of irl pics / some gifs but I'll just post this one for you guys: ) These are just comments meant to be for fun. If you are little bitch and can't handle some of the comments then gtfo we Estonians don't appreciate men with pussys. Love from StrikeTeam! - Vaak
  5. Our yesterdays trip sucked tbh since we only managed to pull 32 members and most of the lpcs/mpcs had 50 ish so we had to end early.
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