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Koed Beastly

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Everything posted by Koed Beastly

  1. The Eruption Of Pures set out with 60 gang members, later peaking at 67 That's right,GANG MEMBERS, 23 pures, 25 mains and 12 special guests (the raggers?) Even in the pictures you posted we can clearly see a third of your ops is a main. What's pride nowadays? Speaking as an ex-eop member i'm disappointed to what you have become. You are soo far away from the EOP of 2008-2010 period.
  2. Wowzors Think u can compete in HPC when LPC-MPC didnt work out for you? Give this man an award jesus!
  3. Good job doom For fuck sake thanks for the 1 def pride! Glad you didnt bring any mains. Almost tempted to join the f2p scene.
  4. You do realise we told our location EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME to EVERY CLAN right? Why would you be cauliflower to pay 4-50 mil just to know our locations when we, the staff team, are giving them out ourselfs?! Your topic is soo justin beiber I wouldnt be surprised that Control Pker is a staff rank in disguise. We did not, will not and have no reason to team up with FS. We can clearly clear doom ourselfs as we did in the fight up boneyard. (+ Why did you decline to defend at gdz vs a 1vs1?) Also why do you rush our 10/66 pull leftovers on a hop and claim a clear? And we offered you a clear 1vs1 but turns out you dont like that now do you? Nah your leader just ignores us when we offer a 1vs1 hence they are scared to lose their members to us. You are so brainwashed imo. U can apply for a rank in the new XLPC called Special Forces. Also please look at my signature and let me remind you who I am and what I did to you in the past. Don't be so salty FS put up a better fight then Doom. I don't even know what kind of clan FS is or who their leaders are, but the videos sure as hell speak for themselfs .
  5. U never gave us a prep after all your flames and propaganda topics LOL. Dont think you can hide from us.
  6. AND #1 LPC/MPC don't forget that! Control pker be like: Cash me ouside, how bow dah
  7. LOOOOOOOOL i'm done IRL! Cya control pker
  8. Are you accusing us of bringing mains? lol what? Are you delusional? Instead of your leader we dont claim to be the first LPC clan but we sure ass hell were the first to only bring TRUE pures. We are 1-5 defence and not 1-20... Also we dont take ragg when we are returning. Just STFU before your ranks start flaming you for this nonsence. No need for it. And if you are going to answer to my reply, just come with some evidence so we can get punished for bringing mains . GL to find any LOL.
  9. Nice way to open! Already showed the delusional SF the reality. Gets slapped by a new clan on their first trip jesus they must be soo mad Looking forward to meet you in the wild next friday
  10. That's the right attitude! Let them flame w/e they want Try to improve and win a prep from them OT: Gratz doom on your win.
  11. Good video man! Try use different effects the next time
  12. Shairing is caring, hence why I dont shair You bet you win +1. You bet you lose -1.
  13. Guess SF can't claim any points for it if they pulled 5-6 LOL poor control
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