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Everything posted by TheReal

  1. I predict it taking less than two months
  2. How do you claim to #1 when cd slaps you about in f2p and misfits does the same in p2p lmao
  3. Funny how this ends so early? We bullied you for two hours after this ended lmfao
  4. You've been bullied to p2p Sunday why are you even still talking
  5. Why does the intro to your video say "the last real pure clan" when you don't even do f2p so you're an irrelevant p2p pk team lmao
  6. Envy bullied cd to the use of mains I agree
  7. You've been saying this for months yet haven't done it?? Thought you were gonna kill envy aswell?? Or is Ryan waiting until cd slump your clan so he can come in our ts some more and beg for help
  8. Or because we'd rather fight 5 other clans than fight the clan which teams with a main clan
  9. If you dropped the mains maybe your pull would drop similar
  10. It's the only action you'll be getting so make sure you enjoy it
  11. Nice trip yesterday looked like you enjoyed being kept in singles by cd mains
  12. Keep talking and enjoy no action other than from cd you broccoli
  13. The actions so much nicer without cd and their minions around, ty for the action op and gj on your trip
  14. Rumour has it doom were in singles half their trip lmao, envy wins again
  15. It's funny because this Audio is from the night we had you hugging singles for two hours lmao
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