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Status Updates posted by Parm

  1. EOP are the #1 clan atm.. why are people even tryna dispute :o

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Murd


      Well you can't really claim #1 when you cancel your trips so it's pretty self explanatory...

    3. sudo_


      There is no #1 clan atm

    4. Erik


      I vote Hassan in all categorias.

  2. s/o all clans who had unofficials today was fun.

    1. إيزيس سيئة
    2. Destroy


      Couldn't make em but yea damn looked fun

  3. flash2:Blame Joel.

  4. got accepted to #team-ob today n brown sticky stuff watch out singles pkers ;c

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. erase data
    3. Blacksnakey


      lmfao god their quality must of dropped.. oh wait full off ddosers thats so expected you got accepted then lmfao

    4. Silk


      lmfao list some kids in #team-ob pls, how many of them are new and random

  5. EOP is the pure community.

    1. toenail884cutter7


      eom such pures


      btw the pure community does clanwars sometimes which eop doesnt gg

    2. snifflord


      This foe bundle of twigsgot needs to khp

  6. #Clan-EOP or #Clan-RD to join the #1 Alliance in the Pure community.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Parm


      @HolyDreams i know what it takes to stay alive in the current RS EOP is #1 and always will be I will suck dick now b4 its too late.

    3. holydreams


      Please tell me more about how my clan is dying RD, it really provides me with amusement. Eop is prob #1 in f2p wildy atm ye I'll give them that. Not p2p or clan wars tho

    4. SP Ghetto

      SP Ghetto

      Say no to drugs

  7. It was Aussie day today boyss #Pray4Zu

    1. SP Ghetto

      SP Ghetto

      Well done man! You did work with you booter

    2. mother
    3. Mains
  8. and its over gf brown sticky stuff unit.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Attackings


      becarful @Tom Valor @cassidy69 might snitch on u

    3. Murd


      Can we have a nice love hate relationship, not too nice but with a little bit of aggression!

    4. cassidy69


      @Rasay lil nigga you's a bitch stop running ya mouth

  9. was afk lost zgs rip me ;[

  10. @slushpuppy I was wrong about Sharkbrew, it's best site ever will u forgive me no troll :[/index.php?/user/88-braden/" rel="">Braden has shown me the light.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Murd


      Ah yes excellent to hear

    3. Sith-


      rd worst clan in both servers r0f last place

    4. Wardy


      @Chesty Puller Drama is fun to read :D. Just pull up a chair and laugh


  11. @slushpuppy has so many fake accs on these forums stopp!!@@!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Father Justin
    3. Buffon


      Why have you been trying to be funny recently when you're 100% not funny in the slightest

    4. Parm


      @Buffon i ddosed you at every prep! confirmed.

  12. ommmgggg i got hacked for 35 def!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rob
    3. Parm


      l000l ghost<3

    4. Buffon


      I remember you managed to get about 5 people in Cv to get addy and then ended up closing anyway lol

  13. Soup accepted a fight at 4:30 est :/ dont show up, rush us at the end of our trip. get cleared lmfao. Vid s00n 2 ez :]

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. B0Y


      @Parm u can't spell Parmesan without parm. Good man.

    3. Kevv


      B0Y isn't in Zu anymore @Parm!

    4. Get A Bind

      Get A Bind

      because you guys had sv in your fall in maybe? i consider cp a main clan now tbh.

  14. heard lt lost to dr in a prep today, guess dr won that rivalry.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Aquaxi


      Heard CV hasn't won anything matched. Sit down.

    3. B0Y


      does that mean lt closes now

    4. Hampers.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Parm


      @notdrunk whats not love about CP its the most glorious clan in runescape history. no one can even compete...

    3. Parm


      @James i got in frist round doe ;D

    4. notdrunk


      @Parm iknow no1 can compete m8.#1 f2p 2006-2014.

  16. cp #1 all other clans irreleavnt

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. James


      tristin #1 warlord

    3. notdrunk


      idk why do u like us but we sat u and toxic 3rounds last prep versus fi.

    4. Get A Bind

      Get A Bind

      wait i thought u were in sv since u had half their clan in your fall in. #cp is a main clan.

  17. 9 Years of Singles!

    1. Richard
    2. Get A Bind

      Get A Bind

      says cp......... nice mossies kid.


  18. The glorious CP. #tribe

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kevv
    3. Tim


      @Tom Valor idk if you followed the reason discussion, but ascent stated they don't do stuff on saturday cause they go outside and enjoy their life.. they are never at our trips. And UF isnt even a clan, how can you have a "joint trip"

    4. Kevv


      You had a joint trip..........................



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