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Everything posted by Balli

  1. Nice propaganda topic as expected, gl next week we’re putting u in a coffin keep slumping
  2. can't wait for MF's propaganda aftermath topic. Imagine being in MF rn Lmfaooooo
  3. www.clan-fi.org 

    We kill bees all day

  4. I think everybody can choose for himself which clan he wants to be in. BTW misfits is dead
  5. <12:06:17> "[cняιѕ] OFFICIAL TRIP2DAY 4PM EST" pokes you: this is toxic l0l
  6. Nice propaganda topic would almost believe u if I didn’t hear ur demoralized voices today click topic ^.
  7. www.clan-fi.org



  8. Respect for having the balls to prep out of ur own server @Ace Krave. clans scared to prep out of their server nowadays so good shit
  9. CA #1 1. Tannie 2. Break 3. Slushpuppy 4. Tyrone 5. Aysix 6. Balli
  10. another rivalry in LPC..... sweet
  11. Nice fake propaganda spams, every screenshot consists of Doom and OB having nearly similar opts on cape counter. How can you spam “ob perfected” or “bullied” when none of the screenshots show that lmfao...
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