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Propaganda machine

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Everything posted by Propaganda machine

  1. !loc Sunday topic. Or did you pull less than 30again
  2. Mfw misfits leaks their own audio via stream and fatality stays dead
  3. Are you that mad that you are losing a rivalry to a wilderness based, 1 server, 3 month old clan?
  4. Don't you only attack clans in the single combat sections of the map? Based on your Sunday's pov that's what it looked like to me
  5. He stepped down because he gets paid to pay a different videogame lmfao
  6. No one gives a brown sticky stuff about a dead clan declaration. That's like North Korea declaring on america, no one takes them seriously lmfao
  7. Oh wow misfits wins again what a fucking surprise, dead dog clan can't compete
  8. I wonder which of my puppies will come barking first, or if they finally realize they aren't allowed in the wilderness unless daddy says it's ok
  9. I can't believe you would expect 2 clans having a friendly 1v1 not to team on crash vs the scum of the clanning community. Your clan is trash, your leadership is trash, your community is awkward. You have no legacy, you have no honor, you wear other clans capes more than your own. It's funny that both other legacy clans foe and eop were both more than willing to team on crash because your clan is a stain on the clanning community. Anyone in your clan has become a worse player than when they started. May god have mercy on your soul. Bark(quote) if mad, I need another puppy to play with
  10. Fi leadership goes in rag cc and asks them for help when they are losing fights
  11. Wow fatality got fucking decked. They keep asking for these 1v1s and keep getting demolished, what a shocker
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