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Everything posted by Koldkilla97

  1. Been on the right and wrong side of 2 step rule a bunch of times nvr was taken as a win or loss just a redo u gotta be a complete different type of ass at this game to claim that
  2. The difference is when divine goes down opps they move around in multi counting on returners to come back when Imt goes down their first instinct is time to hug singles sad
  3. Non stop fighting for 2 hours return fight and nvr touches singles imt cud only imagine that
  4. Thank god no single line when we prep imt next week

    1. Ian
    2. Rinse


      you guys literally got fucking smoked LOL



    3. R4ngeTAP


      I closed rampage twice now meh was ez 

  5. Imagine hugging singles the whole fight and then dipping a return fight when the other squad in ca IMT ur shit stay in singles shitters

  6. Perfected in 15 seconds actually fix the typo
  7. Any time I can waste 2 and a half hours of my life sitting in singles than pk for 30 min after rp decides to end then make a a propaganda topic a day later I gotta take that!
  8. Yes out for 3 hours 6 minute vid and not until rp ended witntheir ez 40 man pull hope y’all enjoyed singles
  9. Rampage wud be willing to participate in any of them
  10. Damn ppl rly rather not give their clan action just to avoid possibly taken a L on a video game lol. Rp is down to do whatever it can to help this event continue idk how much we wud pull wit late notice tho
  11. Envy pulled 11 to go revs for the 2nd straight Sunday sad main clan!

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