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Everything posted by Molds

  1. PoR #1 join today !


    1. Lionel


      What type of clan is it?

    2. Ian


      people still f2p pk in 308?

  2. sit down on your 50s pussy ass nigguah . part 2 commin soon
  3. both clans are cancer loool imagine with cd how this scene will be cancerous af
  4. 1. UF 2. Poison 3. FH 4. Zlz 5. Zen 6. Blitz 7. NT 8. Zoom 9. Coopa 10. BP top 3 snipe team without audio communication 1. Pimps of Runescape 2. FH 3. ZLZ
  5. L000000L everyone lost on this topic and forget about best one 50-4 in matched fight at CW 1. United Family a.k #UF 2. To 10. Idc bunch of fake ass team
  6. We pimpin af Clanchat : P o R cc Reqs : 50-65 cmb / 1-5 def Teamcape : 49 Few Vids: Join our community now, everyone is welcome , we smokin alot and got lot of fun. Pk every day
  7. Nigguah lets talk about the amulet of glory, kids always fighting under lvl 30 wild

    1. Lankz


      nice snipes :) the ending was boring 

    2. Fudog


      no1 cares, 

      blood unit pulled 14 and kill zen,zlz, coopA, VIET, f0, 3hit

      kuvis pulled 5 and got killed in a xlpc war lol

    3. Molds
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