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Status Updates posted by Lankz

  1. If you could pick any old school clanner to be your warlord, who and why are you picking? 

    My pick would be Rot Brian, I’ve heard audios of him and he seems like a cool collective caller 

  2. was DoomBurst even out pking today? lmfao 

    1. narc


      no they ran once they saw ur irl l0lll

    2. Pker4life


      bro you wouldn't leave ditch 1 you scrub.

  3. Ascent backed out cos they know their mobile pkers are trash quality along with their 50s team OD LMFAOOOOOO easy af kyp

    1. TheBean



    2. Lankz


      Ok random that’s why zoom closed the snipe scene & Blitz. facts 

  4. the snipe scene aint ready for us tbh... ZGGGGG

    1. F U D O G

      F U D O G

      dam cuh aight! I gotchu cuhhhhhhh

    2. Lankz


      was fun today cuhhhhhhhhhhhhh Zoom #1 cuh

  5. Best of luck to my fellow Spartans! Bring the Dub home boyzzz

    1. MACCER


      goodluck today op

  6. Make an XLPC account
    50-70CB and join Rampage #1 XLPC. All others are shit especially BlitZen
  7. Purge got purged lmfao

  8. damn foe got smoked

    1. H I T T A

      H I T T A

      literally not even eop members believe this lol

  9. LAL still garbage 

    1. bt black son

      bt black son

      seriously tired of them 

  10. juicy Fs CD drama hehe xd

    1. Matti


      drama? you know nothing lmfao

  11. Imagine having 4 clans close into you & still having useless ranks omegalul

    1. Warbow


      How it goes lankzy

  12. Imagine having to fight Elmirs battles and getting perfected up 10 in the process yikeees

  13. Imagine still being salty from yesterday and refusing a R3 looool. Ez 2-1

    1. Indi


      How was it easy when u didn’t win a round lmao 

  14. They say Zoom is trash but 3-0’d TeamZen lolwut? Gf 

    Also CD with = opts are a joke 😂

    Obrown sticky stuff CheeeeeeDeeeeee Shmoked

    1. WK MAGIC

      WK MAGIC

      The only one whos saying zoom is trash are those ob rejects (dickless)

  15. @slushpuppeh

    do the right thing, demote @Tyendinaga

    1. King Kinse

      King Kinse

      the whole site is waiting...

  16. took envy 3hrs to pull 10 l00000l

  17. Don’t you hate when you’re the last person up & all the drugs & alcohol are gone?! 😩

    1. Shiekh


      Nigga shut the fuck up before i slap your lips

  18. flame all you want but kfc Ryan was the best leader a clan could ask for

    1. chance111


      yeah if you call opening 4 clans and closing them all within a few months. if op was your first clan then i'd recommend joining some others to see what they're like - especially a clan that's been around for years. doesn't even have to be in this scene and you'll see the difference between some a band of asylum seekers that lasts for a few months vs a clan that's been open for years with stable leadership

  19. I give nm a month before they pack it in and mass join Cd 

  20. @Shife I bet you hate clicking that log out button and going back to reality where your life sucks, Mum doesn’t love you, dad walked out on your ass when he saw you as a baby, working a minimum wage job & your internet explorer favorite tab consisting of 2 sites, Sharkbrew and Pornhub. Tie the noose and jump kid. 

  21. Take notes boyz, this is how you bully a clan without the use of mains;...

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