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Jorgito Gutiérrez

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Everything posted by Jorgito Gutiérrez

  1. ?? Imt lost two preps and won like 4 vs apoc and od lol Gz imt, looked pretty easy
  2. Easu as fuck lmao. Divine is probably the worst xlpc right nos. Stay quiet retards. Imt #1 xlpc
  3. Youre actually surprised a clan killed 3 people in a round? Damn feel bad for the newfags.. missed the era when few clans just perfected em lmao Ot: its 2k19 and kids still leaks staff chan even if its fake damn lmao, anyways winning a 30v30 preps without overs wont save your shit clan
  4. Long ass topic for a mini war? Are you retarded or new? Holy shit l0l its 2k19 newfag
  5. According todo the videos looks like IMT rollers them over 1v2 Ot:This wont save your shitty clan newfags
  6. Lmfao you got smoked all days. Looks like you keep talking shit lmfao it wont end good for your shitty clan that las have no idea who your ranks are LOL See you next weekend hopefully you dont team up again LMFAO P.s holy shit its 2k19 and you still make long ass aftermaths lmfao
  7. The one that lost today was you and your clan my friend Plis take a seat
  8. Bro dont let your ranks brainwash you lmao. You guys literally got owned today and teamed with nrg
  9. Looks at your 3 videos.. shows you losing all fights..? Shit clan just know your place and don't talk shit
  10. Vids dont lie brother! If pushin you from ca to lvl 1 and then ca to corp and back to ca then idk bro! Just join us lol
  11. LMFAO ez af, #1 xlpc Divine dont talk shit next time and know your place l0l
  12. No1 said you had a snipe team retard. Reread everything.
  13. We never peaked sr 44. Max we had was 33 or 34 so you pretty much had 7+ on us. (Plus that snipe unit always sniping us lol) Good fight thought. Hopefully tomorrow we can get some fighs.
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