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Everything posted by Viikings

  1. Why you ignoring my question? Were you that desperate for auto-accepting everyone?
  2. Lmao auto-accept..Does it take alot to be part of Apex?
  3. Ahh that burping thing never gets old lmaoo. Apex was doing a bridding competition at the time and it was supposed to be held on Sunday. They were looking for an excuse to avoid FOE at the time.
  4. As far as i know Eve Laurence is not with Legacy unless you can't read. This topic is about Revolution smacking the fuck out of yall. Eve Laurence is a decent rev pker doing his stuff while folks like you been svckin Nox d. Keep doing inners i bet it's the reason why you don't show your rsn lmao. Nonamer.
  5. As far as i know Eve Laurence is not with Legacy unless you can't read. This topic is about Revolution smacking the fuck out of yall. Eve Laurence is a decent rev pker doing his stuff while folks like you been svckin Nox d. Keep doing inners i bet it's the reason why you don't show your rsn lmao. Nonamer.
  6. I mean you've done worse by merging with EOP and MF no? Now yall salty that Apex has been losing members lately?
  7. You guys need to chill. It's only Apex afterall.
  8. ''Tele out and spamm LOL'' meanwhile none is at edge. Legacy still at bandits lmfao.
  9. lmaooo i can imagine Monk saying this loudly with cries
  10. lmao got leaks yet managed to lose fucking idiot can’t take out ly even when u got the locs
  11. Lmaoo https://www.gamebyte.com/power-outage-in-venezuela-causes-economic-crisis-in-runescape/
  12. 55 ops after second week ....very impressive. After a year Mf pulled that and it only took us 2 weeks. Very impressive and for sure the future is good.
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