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Public Relations Pig

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Everything posted by Public Relations Pig

  1. wow fom made another alias account just to make this poor banter topic haha the thirst is real
  2. That put your clan into 25 man pulls for 4 months.. do you really want fearless to go back to ragging again? Access to far more & superior tanks at the lpc bracket btw.
  3. look where ragging, hacking and doxing got sv lmfao dropped from 160 to 45 in 2 weeks and into the graveyard before you could even hit the 4 week mark hahaha
  4. bro you're in xlpc still for a reason haha
  5. sorry @Tannie we aren't eop so we'll just keep showing the pure community that fom were and still are a cancer
  6. this guy claims to make 12k/day but his members are still respawning in lumbridge hahahahaha enjoy being a walmart stocker until ur 48 then u can greet me as i come in until you retire
  7. so you admit to losing the return fight..? who cares how many you had ingame lmfao your clan(and mains) ran into singles and scattered like rats and logged out smh thanks for the easy win i understand your ranks dont have faith in you after what happened with eop and since people are calling us eop they must've gotten scared a little on the inside ;/
  8. stop making cringe topics dude you don't even know how to build a poll in 2018
  9. uneed a pair of fresh gamer goggles or somit ?
  10. u have exilent and still cant see we're in multi..? lmfao poor bald eagle u ran to singles and panic logged to try and claim a win while we had 40 ingame god bless this giant propaganda excuse topic lmao even cd didn't need to make these topics when they did that in xlpc
  11. nah this isn't eop lol if fom need to bring tanks, attempt doxing and use other clan's capes then let 'em cos they still aren't winning lmao
  12. they ran away when we had 40 ingame and more at the telespot idk what to tell you lol
  13. cmon man i still had all those tanks the ub (fom members) kids made to rag xlpc added to my snipe list and nanslayer294 (level 78 now) was following your clan's movements every single fight we had vs you, in your cape, hitting our pures haha do you no longer have control of your own clan lol
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